Our publication on “TEACHERS LITTLE HELPER: MULTI-MATH-COACH” is now online available in the Journal on WWW/Internet. The articel is free for download right here [download link].

Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every single student. Furthermore they have no physiological capacity to produce statistics and to investigate the probable causes of errors. Our goal is to give teachers a tool to help them to review and train some typical requirements for written multiplying. We use the ubiquity of the Internet and provide on different devices free applications with written multiplication problems. All data are collected centrally and are used to determine typical errors. These data could also be used to answer further new questions and test new hypothesis. This is one aspect of Learning Analytics. The given tasks are automatically adapted to the skill level of a student. Teachers can see every detail of the solution process of every task. But really useful is that teachers can see the typical problems of each student as well as of the whole class every time at a glance. They need just a connection to the database with a web browser – anywhere, anytime.
Finally the first evaluation of the system pointed out some remarkable results. Children are learning with the system in the intended way according to the shown learning curves.

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Taraghi, B., Steyrer, M. (2014) TEACHERS LITTLE HELPER: MULTI-MATH-COACH, IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 11, 3, pp.1-12 [.pdf]

[publication] Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field

Our publication about “Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field” is part of the new elearning Papers issue 36 on Learning Analytics and Assessment. Both is published under an open license.


Learning Analytics is an emerging field, because the analyses of a big amount of data can lead to deeper insights into how learning occurs. In this publication we introduce a new addition / subtraction trainer which assists teachers in their daily basic math education. A first field study points out that beside of typical mistakes also systematic ones can be detected.

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Neuhold, B. (2014). Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field, eLearning Papers, 36, pp. 24-27 [.pdf]

[publication] Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math-Coach

Our publication at this year IADIS Conference about our Multi-Math-Trainer ist now online available. And we like to invite everyone to use it 🙂 .

Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every single student. Furthermore they have no physiological capacity to produce statistics and to investigate the probable causes of errors. Our goal is to give teachers a tool to help them to review and train some typical requirements for written multiplying. We use the ubiquity of the Internet and provide on different devices free applications with written multiplication problems. All data are collected centrally and are used to determine typical errors. These data could also be used to answer further new questions and test new hypothesis. This is one aspect of Learning Analytics. The given tasks are automatically adapted to the skill level of a student. Teachers can see every detail of the solution process of every task. But really useful is that teachers can see the typical problems of each student as well as of the whole class every time at a glance. They need just a connection to the database with a web browser – anywhere, anytime.

Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Taraghi, B., Steyrer, M. (2013) Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2013, Nunes, M. B. & McPherson, M. (Ed.), Prague, IADIS Press, p. 183-190

[iPad] MathePairs

iPad App MathePairs
iPad App MathePairs
Nach unserer App MatheFindIt haben wir uns gedacht, man kann das gleich auch kollaborativ gestalten, indem man die Karten auf zwei unterschiedliche Devices (also zwei Kinder / iPads) verteilt. Herausgekommen ist die App MathPairs:

Rechnen lernen und Spaß dabei haben? Und das auch noch zu zweit?
Dann ist dies die ideale App für Kinder im Volksschulalter, um Addieren und Subtrahieren zu üben.
MathePairs wird auf 2 iPads installiert. Nachdem sich beide Geräte im gleichen Netzwerk befinden oder beide Bluetooth eingeschaltet haben, kann die App gestartet, die Verbindung hergestellt und das Spiel begonnen werden!
Durch Verschieben der Schnecke kann die Kartenanzahl ausgewählt werden. Die Luftblasen starten das Spiel in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen.
Der erste Spieler deckt eine Karte auf und sagt dem anderen die Rechnung (oder das Ergebnis) und der zweite Spieler muss das Ergebnis (oder die Rechnung) dazu finden. Jedes richtige Kartenpaar wird mit einem lachenden Smiley und einem fröhlichen “Yeah”-Sound belohnt.

Viel Spaß beim Rechnen!

[Link zur App]

[video] Textgleichungen

Im Rahmes meines Seminars “Technology Enhanced Learning” stellte ich heuer folgende Übungsaufgabe:

Die Übung behandelt das Thema “Lernvideo”. Es bleibt der Gruppe überlassen zu welchem Thema sie ein Lernvideo erstellen. Dabei sind folgende Rahmenbedinungen vorgegeben:

  • Das Video behandelt ein spezielles Lernthema
  • Es soll kurz, bündig und klar das Problem beschreiben und erklären
  • Die Videotechnik ist der Gruppe überlassen und frei wählbar

Eines der Videos beschäftigte sich mit Textgleichungen und ich wollte es auch nicht vorenhalten:


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Apps für kleine Mathekönige

merz 02/2013
merz 02/2013
In der Zeitschrift merz – medien + erziehung Ausgabe 02/2013 wurde über unsere Apps berichtet, insbesondere über die Bemühungen auf dem Sektor der Mathematik (https://mathe.tugraz.at). Vielen Dank für die Berichterstattung und diesen netten Artikel.

Ein Anbieter im App-Dschnungel, der sich besonders den ‚schlauen‘ Programmen verschrieben hat, ist das Projekt Learning Apps @ TU Graz. Das Team der TU Graz entwickelt diverse Lern-Apps für die Allerkleinsten in Kita und Kindergarten bis hin zu Studierenden, es werden Möglichkeiten ausprobiert, Lernstoff ansprechend und effizient zu vermitteln und es wird der Einsatz von iPads in Schulen ganz konkret getestet und begleitet. Das alles präsentieren die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter auf ihrer Seite app.tugraz.at – und natürlich im App-Store, wo man diverse Apps kostenfrei herunterladen kann. Schwerpunkt der Apps ist natürlich der MINT-Bereich, es gibt viele Mathe- Apps, vom Rechenbaum für die erste Klasse bis zu Algonary oder der eApp Suite, die Studierende der Elektrotechnik bzw. Informatik mit in die Untiefen von Algorithmen, Schaltungen und Netzwerken nehmen.

[Link zum Artikel]

[presentation] Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math-Coach

Yesterday Martin did this presentation about our math-multi-trainer at the IADIS Conference in Prague. Find here the slides:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden.

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[publication] Why Learning Analytics for Primary Education Matters!

Our publication about “Why Learning Analytics for Primary Education Matters!” in the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology is now online availabe.

The ubiquitous availability of applications enables us to offer students opportunities to test and train competences in almost every situation. At Graz University of Technolgy two apps for testing competences in multiplication are developed. They estimate the competence level of every user and adapt to their individual development in this domain. They collect a lot of data during a longer period, which could be used on further research. In the foreground they give feedback in a compact and clearly arranged way to the single student and the teachers of classes. But furthermore the analysis of the data during a longer term showed us, that the process of testing and giving feedback has also an positive effect on learning. We emphasize that this quality in supporting the students could not be achieved by human teachers. Information Technology and Learning Analytics gives them a wider radius to perceive specific behavior and establishes their capacity for storing and processing all the relevant data

Here you can find the whole publication as Open Acess [Link]
Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M. (2013) Why Learning Analytics in Primary Education Matters!,Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, Karagiannidis, C. & Graf, S (Ed.), Volume 15, Issue 2, April 2013, p. 14-17