[presentation] Erstellung und Einsatz von Lehr- und Lernvideos #tugraz #lehrvideo #imoox

Im Rahmen der Fachtagung „Lernprodukte/Erklärvideos – digitales Prüfen“ hat man mich gebeten, ein wenig über unsere Erfahrungen zu Lehr- und Lernvideos zu geben. Hier sind meine Folien:

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Ich werde auch dabei den Lernvideo-Canvas vorstellen.

[presentation] Mehr als ein MOOC #mooc #tugraz # #delfigmw2019 #imoox

Wir haben bei der heurigen GMW-Tagung einen Beitrag zu verschiedenen didaktisch MOOC-Szenarien eingereicht. Sozusagen die Erfahrungen die wir in den letzten Jahren mit der MOOC-Plattform iMooX sammeln können. Hier gibt es die Folien zur heutigen Präsentation:

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[presentation] Was lernen wir von Learning Analytics #tugraz #research #LearningAnalytics

Im Rahmen des ÖFEB-Kongress darf ich heute über Learning Analytics reden – die Folien findet man hier:

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[talk] More than a MOOC – Seven Learning and Teaching Scenarios to Use MOOCs in Higher Education and Beyond #mooc #imoox #research #tugraz

I prepared for the „International Seminar on Linguistics and Literature“ held by Fac. of Letters, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, in Central Java, Indonesia, a talk about „More than a MOOC – Seven Learning and Teaching Scenarios to Use MOOCs in Higher Education and Beyond„. My main idea was to present how manigfold MOOCs can be used, if the content is available as Open Educational Resource. It is just great to see how flexible online teaching can be.
The talk was recorded and is accessible on YouTube:


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[presentation] Automatic Authentication of Students at an Interactive Learning-Video Platform #edil19 #edmedia19 #tugraz #video

Our fourth presentation at this year ED-Media 2019 conference in Amsterdam is about our research work about interactive videos. Here you can find the slides:

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[presentation] A Pedagogical Framework for Mixed Reality in Classrooms based on a Literature Review #edil19 #edmedia19 #tugraz #research

Our second presentation at this year ED-Media 2019 conference in Amsterdam is about research work in Virtual Reality for education. This time we present a framework how we can cluster Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality scenarios for education. Find the slides here:

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[presentation] Business models for Open Educational Resources: how to exploit OER after a funded project? #edil19 #edmedia19 #tugraz #OER

DOIT is not only working on social innovation in makerspaces – the project also tries to spread the ideas and materials in a sustainable way. DOIT’s considerations include how the partner might use the open educational resources that are developed after the project. Guntram Geser and Sandra Schön (both Salzburg Research), together with me, – DOIT advisor – wrote a contribution on „Business models for Open Educational Resources: how to exploit OER after a funded project?„. I am going to present the paper at the EdMedia conference in Amsterdam today.

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And of course we are proud to share or business cards with all of you. If you want to think and co-create potential business models for your OER projects and future exploitation, use these as inspiration. You can e.g. decide which 3 cards fits best and then build your business model or you can force you to adapt business models which were selected by chance for your own case. Sounds weird, but the best ideas are not always developed in straight ways. Enjoy!


[presentation] Professor YouTube and Their Interactive Colleagues #edil19 #edmedia #tugraz #research

Our first presentation at this year ED-Media 2019 conference in Amsterdam is about our survey taken every year from the beginners. This time we also concentrate on YouTub and learning with videos. Here you can find the slides:

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[master] Learning Analytics Tools for Massive Open Online Courses #LearningAnalytics #MOOCs #tugraz

Karin did her masterthesis about „Learning Analytics Tools for Massive Open Online Courses“ and helped us a lot developing our MOOC platform iMooX.at in this direction. Here you can find her slides for the defense:

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[master] Analysis of the MakerDays for Kids event #makerdays #tugraz

Andreas hat im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit die Makerdays for Kids analysiert und aufbereitet. Seine sehr umfassende Evaluation hat er dann in der Defense verteidigt – hier seine Slides:

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