Im Rahmen des EdTech Summit in Salzburg hielt ich einen Mini-Workshop zum Thema „MOOCs & Learning Analytics in der Hochschullehre“ ab. Die dabei verwendeten Slides sind natürlich offen lizenziert online zugänglich:
[presentation] Der OER-Canvas für Lehrende: Werkstattbericht zum Einsatz von Learning Experience Design #gmw22 #research #LXD #design #oeaa #OER
Sarah hat im Rahmen der GMW 2022 Tagung in Karlsruhe unseren Beitrag zu „Der OER-Canvas für Lehrende: Werkstattbericht zum Einsatz von Learning Experience Design“ vorgestellt. Die Präsentationsfolien dazu sind auf ResearchGate online:
[presentation] Die digitale Transformation der Hochschullehre #tugraz #research #transition
Im Rahmen des 5. Netzwerktreffen der Plattform Lehrentwicklung an der FH Wien bin ich gebeten worden ein paar Wort zur strategischen Ausrichtug der digitalen Hochschullehre zu verlieren. Hier findet man meine Präsentation dazu:
[presentation] Teaching with MOOCs: Possibilities and Experiences from the national Austrian MOOC platform #imoox #conference #unite! #presentation @Unite_tech_univ
[presentation] Open Educational Resources – Warum MOOCs auf OER sind! #OER #OpenEducation #keynote #moodle #symposium #iMooX
Im Rahmen des Moodle Symposium 2022 darf ich heute zu „Open Educational Resources – Warum MOOCs auf OER sind!“ reden. Ich werde dabei vorstellen, warum sämtliche MOOCs auf unter einer CC-Lizenz sind. Hier gibt es die Vortragsfolien:
Link zur Präsentation:
[presentation] Digital Transformation of Teaching and Perception at TU Graz from the Students‘ Perspective: Developments from the last 17 Years #icl22 #tugraz
Yesterday, I presented our research about „Digital Transformation of Teaching and Perception at TU Graz from the Students‘ Perspective: Developments from the last 17 Years“ at the 25th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning in Vienna. Here you can find my slides:
[presentation] Content quality ensurance in a Higher Education OER-repository #OER #OEAA #repository
Within the ENCORE+ Quality Workshop 2 I did a short presentation about how we are dealing with quality ensurance when uploading OER to our OER-repository at Graz University of Technology. Find here my slides:
[presentation about „Content quality ensurance in a Higher Education OER-repository“]
This works happens within our Open Education Austria Advanced project – thanks to all to let this happen 🙂
[master] Empirical Analysis of Automated Editing of Raw Learning Video Footage #tugraz #presentation
We congratulate David for doing his masterthesis on „Empirical Analysis of Automated Editing of Raw Learning Video Footage“. Here you can find the slides of his final defense:
[presentation] Digitalization in Austria #imoox #tugraz
I gave a short presentation about the latest issues in digital higher education in Austria for the International Conference: VISION – Digitalization in Higher Education. Here you can find my slides
[presentation] How to teach with MOOCs? #iMooX #MOOC
I did a short presentation for the International workshop on FUTURE FOCUSED BLENDED LEARNING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING and adressed the topic MOOCs in general and their usage for teaching and learning in particular. Here you can find my slides: