[publication] Use of Learning-Analytics-Applications in Mathematic with Elementary Learners #LearningAnalytics

Our paper about „Use of Learning-Analytics-Applications in Mathematic with Elementary Learners“ got published in the International Journal of Academic Research in Education.

This paper describes a study about the use of learning analytical applications in everyday school life. The research study took place in an Austrian secondary school during the mathematics courses. The subjects of the courses were the four basic arithmetical operations in the set of the natural numbers. All together two mathematics classes with 46 children at the age of 10 to 11 participated in this study. The aim was to test the usefulness of mathematics trainers, developed by the University of Technology in Graz, under real conditions. Therefore, one of the classes was determined as the experimental group, which studied with the mathematics trainers. The other class was set as the control group. This class operated with traditional exercise sheets. A pre-test and post-test control-group study indicated that the use of mathematics trainers does not decrease learning outcomes, but it points out other benefits during the whole learning arrangement. These advantages include error analysis, time saving in comparing the homework and enjoying the work with the trainers.

[Link to full article]

Reference: Ebner, M. & Pronegg, M. (2015). Use of Learning Analytics Applications in Mathematics with Elementary Learners. International Journal of Academic Research in Education, 1(2), 26‐39. DOI: 10.17985/ijare.37247

[publication] Collaborative Learning Through Drawing on iPads #iPad #research

Our publication at this year ED-Media 2015 conference „Collaborative Learning Through Drawing on iPads“ is now online available.


Teamwork and collaboration skills are very important for improving learning efficiency and experience. Therefore an innovative iPad app, called Teamsketch, was developed to provide a collaborative sketch environment for devices with which pupils can simultaneously draw one sketch together. Up to four pupils can take part in a session and train collaboration just by drawing a sketch. First of all different features and issues of state-of-the- art applications were evaluated. Afterwards a prototype from scratch using Apple’s new programming language Swift has been implemented. Additionally, a web service, a web interface and also a web site were programmed in order to provide an evaluation tool for teachers. Furthermore, pupils can upload and download their drawn sketches and profile pictures. A first field test was carried out at the primary school Graz-Hirten. This test showed the potential of the app for training and evaluating team and collaboration skills.

[Link to full text]

Reference: Spitzer, M. & Ebner, M. (2015). Collaborative Learning Through Drawing on iPads. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2015. pp. 633-642 Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[CfP] Handbook of Research on Digital Tools for Seamless Learning #CfP #elearning #research

Toegehter with my colleague I would like to invite you to write a contribution to our forthcoming book on „Handbook of Research on Digital Tools for Seamless Learning„:

The world is becoming a mobigital virtual space where people can learn and teach digitally anywhere and anytime. Emerging mobile technologies like wearables make the transformation even faster. In other words, more and more education is happening outside from schools or universities through technology. We as educators and scholars should ask especially for technological solutions supporting teaching and learning outside formal institutions. The book intends to offer the readers precise definitions about emerging technologies, with a strong focus on how they are/can be used for education via ground works, field studies and case studies.

If you are interested in it, please go to this website for more details: [Propose a Chapter]
Deadline is 15th of September, if you need more time let me know: [E-Mail]

[book] Was macht OER-Projekte erfolgreich? #o3r #l3t #OER

Band 9 der O3R-ReiheEs freut uns, den Band 9 der O3R-Reihe ankündigen zu können. Martina Stadler hat eine interessante Masterarbeit mit dem Titel „Was macht OER-Projekte erfolgreich? Eine Analyse von Erfolgsfaktoren von Projekten zu offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER) im schulischen Kontext“ verfasst und stellt diese der Reihe zur Verfügung:

Es gibt zahlreiche, meist ehrenamtlich verfolgte Initiativen, die offene Bildungsressourcen (auf Englisch „open educational resources“, kurz OER) erstellen. Dieser 9. Band der O3R-Reihe beschäftigt sich mit den Faktoren, die gegeben sein müssen, damit OER-Projekte erfolgreich sind und Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an diesen aktiv mitmachen. Dazu wurde das Online-Angebot von fünf erfolgreichen OER-Projekten aus Österreich und Deutschland mit Hilfe eines eigens entwickelten Kriterienkatalogs analysiert und mit Hilfe von problemzentrierter Interviews die Projektbesonderheiten und projektspezifischen Erfolge aus Anbietersicht eruiert. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Theorieteil und dem empirischen Teil werden abschließend reflektiert und zusammengeführt. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass OER-Projekte dann erfolgreich sind, wenn die aktive Mitarbeit einfach und unkompliziert möglich ist. Weitere Faktoren, die zum Gelingen eines OER-Projektes beitragen sind unter anderem der Bekanntheitsgrad der Initiative, die gesicherte Projektfinanzierung und eine Qualitätskontrolle der Beiträge. Einflussgrößen, damit Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen ihren Content teilen, sind neben den oben genannten Faktoren persönliche Anreize, wie die bewusste Beteiligung an sozialen Projekten, der eigene Reputationsgewinn oder die Kommunikation und der Austausch mit gleichgesinnten Kolleginnen und Kollegen.

Das Buch kann bei Amazon bestellt werden oder ist als .pdf wie gewohnt auf der Homepage zugänglich.

Zitation: Stadler, M. (2015) Was macht OER-Projekte erfolgreich? Eine Analyse von Erfolgsfaktoren von Projekten zu offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER) im schulischen Kontext. Ebner, M., Schön, S. (Hrsg.), Band 9, O3R-Reihe, Book On Demand, Norderstedt

[publication] Design and Evaluation of a User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform

Our contribution about „Design and Evaluation of a User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform“ at this year uDay in Dornbirn is now online available.


Learning videos are currently more and more in use because of the evolving trend of so-called MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) (Khalil & Ebner, 2013). However learning videos have only a con-suming character due to the fact that they are of passive nature. According to Carr-Chellman & Duchastel (2000) interaction as well as communication are key features of a successful online course. Because of that a web based information system has been developed to support learning videos with different forms of interac-tion (Ebner et al., 2013). It is obvious that such an information system has to be easily useable and due to that this research study presents the development process of a suitable User Interface (UI). The associated usabil-ity study as well as the field study point out that the design approach is generally working and also identified some components to improve

Design and Evaluation of a User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform by Martin

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Wachtler, J., Geier, G., Ebner, M. (2015) Design and Evaluation of a User Interface for an Interaction Supported Video Platform. Digital Medien in Arbeits- und Lernumgebungen. Jost, P, Künz, A (Ed.). S. 117-124. Pabst, Lengrich

[publication] L3T’s Research #L3T

Eine Vorabversion haben wir bereits im Herbst 2014 online gestellt, dann später überarbeitet und erweitert, nun ist er (einstweilen) fertig – und frei für Remixes, Nutzungen und Co. Sandra Schön und ich haben im „L3T’s RESEARCH“ Reader insbesondere an Studierende gedacht, die wir im L3T-Themenfeld betreuen. Wenn Lehrende die Textsammlung gut finden, aber modifizieren oder erweitern möchte: Nur zu! (Wir stellen auch gerne das .odt zur Verfügung!)

Für den Reader „L3T’s research!“ wurden Texte aus frei lizenzierten Quellen zusammengetragen, die sich mit dem wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten im Bereich des Lernens und Lehrens mit Technologien beschäftigen – also mit Forschungsarbeiten an der Schnittstelle von Erziehungswissenschaft und Medieninformatik zu oft anwendungsnahen Forschungsfragestellungen. Der Reader ist keine umfassende Einführung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten im Forschungsfeld, sondern eine Zusammen- und Hilfestellung, insbesondere für Studierende und Betreuer/innen von Forschungsarbeiten im Feld des technologiegestützten Lernens.


Der Reader ist unter der ISBN 978-3-738615-04-3 auch im Buchhandel gedruckt erhältlich (schwarz/weiß, 19,90 Euro) z.B. bei Book on Demand, Amazon.com oder Ihrem Buchhändler ums Eck.

PDF: bei ResearchGate

L3T’s research! Wissenschaftlich Arbeiten zum Lehren und Lernen mit Technologien. Reader. Zusammengestellt von Sandra Schön und Martin Ebner (2015). Entwickelt und erstellt in Kooperation mit dem BIMS e.V. (Bad Reichenhall, D) und der Technischen Universität Graz (A) Bad Reichenhall/Graz, Version 1.1 vom 20.6.2015
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CC BY-SA Sandra Schön (BIMS e.V.) und Martin Ebner (TU Graz) | L3T https://l3t.eu, Oktober 2014,
URL der Lizenz: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

[publication] Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana

Our publication about „Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana“ got published in the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning.

While many developing nations find Internet-based e-learning unsuitable for their needs mobile learning methods – specifically those involving the use of mobile-phones for both formal and informal learning – hold great promise for them (Grimus et al, 2013b). In this paper chances and challenges introduced by mobile devices to support improvement and transformation of education in a Senior High School in Ghana are examined. The field-study draws attention to the local situation, looking at infrastructure and teachers and students attitudes in using digital learning material. This paper presents results of a pilot project at a Senior High Technical School in Ghana, by addressing the issue how mobile devices can be integrated in learning and teaching. Based on our results we conclude that teachers and students hold great promise for using mobile devices for learning. Together they developed content based on the national curriculum, available for eReaders and mobile phones.

Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana. by Martin

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Reference: Grimus, M., Ebner, M. (2015) Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 7(2), 17-32. doi:10.4018/ijmbl.2015040102

[Link zum Artikel]

[publication] Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data

Our contribution about „Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data“ at this year European Immersive Education Summit is now online available.

This work introduces a case study on usage of semantic context modelling and creation of Linked Data from logs in educational systems like a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) with purpose on improvements in generally with respect to social and semantic analysis of the parameters on user and activity centric level [3]. Sample case study demonstrates the usage of semantic modelling of the activity context using adequate domain specific ontologies and semantic technologies and visualization of such data as result of analysis of such modelled data represented in the form of Linked Data. This approach implies the easy interfacing and extensibility on machine or human level offering fast insight on statistical trends.

Reference: Softic, S., Taraghi, B., Ebner, M. (2014) Mining and Visualizing Trends from Educational Systems using Linked Data, European Immersive Education Summit, 2014, Vienna, pp. 164 – 169 [Link to article]

[presentation] Learning Analytics in Math – Why Open Education?

Marieke asked me if I can give a short input for the Open Education Working Group about aspects of Open Education for Learning Analytics. Here you will find the event and this are the slides I will use for the short talk:

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[presentation] Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures

Our first presentation at this year HCII 2014 conferece in Creta Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greece was about „Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures„. First of all find here the slides:

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