Die Publikation “Podcasting at TU Graz: How to Implement Podcasting as a Didactical Method for Teaching and Learning Purposes at a University of Technology” auf der ED-Media Konferenz 2008 ist nun online verfügbar.
In this paper a way is reflected how the didactical power of podcasting is used for teaching and learning purposes at “Graz University of Technology” (TU Graz) since more than
one year. The variety of different didactical scenarios that are in practice is presented and argued as well as the workflow behind. Advantages and disadvantages of software, hardware and methods that are worked with are discussed. Examples and first evaluations give an overview of how far podcasting is welcomed by teachers and students and tops the paper off.
Nagler, W.; Saranti, A.; Ebner, M. (2008) Podcasting at TU Graz: How to Implement Podcasting as a Didactical Method for Teaching and Learning Purposes at a University of Technology; Proceeding of the 20th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-Media), 2008, p.3858-3863
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