[publication] Has the end of chalkboard come? A survey about the limits of Interactive Pen Displays in Higher Education

So nun ist auch die Publikation der heurigen Microlearning Konferenz online: Has the end of chalkboard come? A survey about the limits of Interactive Pen Displays in Higher Education
Hier der Abstract:

This paper tracks the question how the usage of an interactive pen display benefits teaching at universities. The advantages and disadvantages as well as important didactical aspects that need to be concerned in this context are discussed. First results of a survey on the application area of interactive pen displays for higher education purpose that was carried out at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in winter term 2007/08 are reflected. Although the results of the survey are surprisingly significant in favour of the interactive pen display overall strategies for a widespread usage at universities are recommended.

Das Paper gibt es hier und abschließend noch die Quellenangabe:

Ebner, M.; Nagler, W. (2008) Has the end of chalkboard come?
A survey about the limits of Interactive Pen Displays in Higher Education; in: Microlearning and Capacity Building, P.A. Bruck & M. Lindner (ed.), Proceeding of the 4th International Microlearning 2008 Conference, Innsbruck University Press, 2008, p.79 – 91, ISBN 978-3-902571-60-1

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