[publication] A Stylistic Analysis of Graphic Emoticons: Can they be Candidates for a Universal Visual Language of the Future?

The publication “A Stylistic Analysis of Graphic Emoticons: Can they be Candidates for a Universal Visual Language of the Future?” for ED-Media Conference 2008 is online available.

This paper, describing the current popularity of graphic emoticon usage in Japanese social network services, blogs and mobile phone communication, illustrates that these graphic emoticons are now evolving into ideographic images as substitutes for words or phrases from accessory markers showing the emotional state of the writer. It will be argued that the behavior of these graphic emoticons will give us valuable insights for implementing a universal auxiliary visual language that will overcome the barrier of language differences. Possible educationproposed.


Azuma, J.; Ebner, M. (2008) A Stylistic Analysis of Graphic Emoticons: Can they be Candidates for a Universal Visual Language of the Future?; Proceeding of the 20th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-Media), 2008, p.973-977

Here you will find the publication, slides have been already published.

[publication] A Blog Sphere for Higher Education

The publication “A Blog Sphere for Higher Education” for ED-Media Conference 2008 is online available.

Blogs are an important part of the rapidly developing Web 2.0 phenomenon that revolutionizes the current World Wide Web. It thus makes sense for universities to investigate whether blogs can support teaching and learning. Our paper describes the installation and deployment of a blog sphere for Graz University of Technology based on the open source software ELGG and extended by us with new features that are essential for teaching and learning. This paper summarizes the first experiences that have been made within one year since launching our TU Graz LearnLand. We describe how the use of weblogs for teaching and learning purposes will need not only further extension but also a new approach to the teaching process.


Ebner, M.; Taraghi, B. (2008) A Blog Sphere for Higher Education; Proceeding of the 20th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-Media), 2008, p.5618-5625

Here you will find the publication, slides and podcast have been already published.

[publication] Podcasting at TU Graz

Die Publikation “Podcasting at TU Graz: How to Implement Podcasting as a Didactical Method for Teaching and Learning Purposes at a University of Technology” auf der ED-Media Konferenz 2008 ist nun online verfügbar.

In this paper a way is reflected how the didactical power of podcasting is used for teaching and learning purposes at “Graz University of Technology” (TU Graz) since more than
one year. The variety of different didactical scenarios that are in practice is presented and argued as well as the workflow behind. Advantages and disadvantages of software, hardware and methods that are worked with are discussed. Examples and first evaluations give an overview of how far podcasting is welcomed by teachers and students and tops the paper off.


Nagler, W.; Saranti, A.; Ebner, M. (2008) Podcasting at TU Graz: How to Implement Podcasting as a Didactical Method for Teaching and Learning Purposes at a University of Technology; Proceeding of the 20th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-Media), 2008, p.3858-3863

Hier die Publikation, das Poster ist bereits hier veröffentlicht.

Call For Chapters: Looking Toward the Future of Technology Enhanced Education

Together with Mandy Schiefner i am editing a book entitled

Looking Toward the Future of Technology Enhanced Education: Ubiquitous Learning and the Digital Native“.

I would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing your expertise to this forthcoming book and kindly ask for submitting a 2-3 page proposal on or before September 15, 2008.

Furhter details and also the call as .pdf you will find here.

Rückschau: Eine Woche ED-Media 2008

Nach einer Woche als Local Co-Chair einer der weltweitgrößten e-Learning Konferenzen muss ich Bilanz ziehen: Es war heiß und anstrengend alles im Laufen zu halten. Daher gilt zu allererst meiner Gruppe ein großer Dank, dass es letztendlich doch gut geklappt hat.
Bei einer Dimension von ca. 1100 Teilnehmern aus mehr als 70 Ländern war die Abwicklung von 17 parallelen Sessions die ganze Woche doch eine Herausforderung.
Dass wir wirklich bis zum Schluss dabei waren, beweist dieses Foto:

Weiters haben wir auch alle Keynotes aufgezeichnet und diese sind als Podcast in meinem Blog veröffentlicht worden (1, 2, 3, 4). Auch unsere Beiträge sind online (1, 2, 3, 4).
Neben vielen neuen Bekanntschaften (besonders herausstreichen möchte ich Grainnee Conole, Gary Marks und weitere Mitglieder des Steering Comitees) war das Herausragendste für mich die Begleitung der Konferenz mit einem Twitterstream.
Den ganzen Tag wurde eifrig immer wieder getweetet und bei den Keynotes hatten wir einen zusätzlichen Beamer angebracht der interaktiv die Präsentation begleitete (Bilder gab es bereits hier: 1,2). Wir werden den Stream noch ein wenig analysieren, aber eine Folie der Konferenz passt perfekt zu diesem Versuch: