[publication] Weblogs, more than just a toy?

Der Artikel den ich zusammen mit Mandy Schiefner für die heurige ICl Konferenz geschrieben habe ist nun online verfügbar.
Titel: Weblogs, more than just a toy?” or “Should I keep a e-Portfolio for my PhD study?”

Weblogs have a great potential to support doctoral studies. By the integration of weblogs in this phase of ones study students have the opportunity to support their selfdirected learning process over a long period of time: they resort to a memory-pool of information and ideas, they have an opportunity of metacognition and reflection and they have the opportunity of a discourse with the scientific community. Furthermore a weblog is a great chance to gain reputation in an early phase of the doctoral study. In this article some ideas about weblogs in doctoral studies are argued.

Referenz: Schiefner, M., Ebner, M. (2008) “Weblogs, more than just a toy?” or “Should I keep a e-Portfolio for my PhD study?” In: Interactive Computer Aided Learning, ICL 2008, Villach

[presentation] Can Confidence Assessment Enhance Traditional Multiple-Choice Testing?

My second talk at this year ICL conference is about the use of a confidence paramater within a Multiple-Choice Testing scenario. I show the results of this experiments.
You will find here my slides:

Can Confidence Assessment Enhance Traditional Multiple-Choice Testing?