[publication] Lehramtsstudium „Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung“ im Verbund – ein Pilotprojekt

In der neuesten Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung habe ich zusammen mit meinem Kollegen einen kurzen Beitrag zu den Erfahrungen in der Entwicklung des Lehramtsstudium im Entwicklungsverbund Süd-Ost verfasst.

Mit dem Studienjahr 2015/2016 trat nach zweijähriger intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit von insgesamt acht Universitäten und Pädagogischen Hochschulen mit mehr als 300 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern im südöstlichen Raum Österreichs ein gemeinsames Curriculum für das Lehramtsstudium „Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung“ auf Basis gesetzlicher Bestimmungen, die eine solche Zusammenarbeit ausdrücklich intendieren, in Kraft. Der folgende Beitrag der beiden Autoren, die in allen zentralen Projektgruppen dieses Pilotprojekts vertreten waren, stellt die wesentlichen Meilensteine in organisatorischer und inhaltlicher Hinsicht dar, wirft einen Blick auf die bildungspolitischen Auswirkungen und reflektiert kursorsich zentrale operative Entscheidungen und den Implementierungsprozess.

[Full Article @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Gritsch, B., Ebner, M. (2016) Lehramtsstudium „Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung“ im Verbund – ein Pilotprojekt, Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 11(1), S. 39-55

[publication] Bayesian modelling of student misconceptions in the one-digit multiplication with probabilistic programming #lak16

Our contribution to this year Learning Analytics Conference was about „Bayesian modelling of student misconceptions in the one-digit multiplication with probabilistic programming„.

One-digit multiplication errors are one of the most extensively analysed mathematical problems. Research work primarily emphasises the use of statistics whereas learning analytics can go one step further and use machine learning techniques to model simple learning misconceptions. Probabilistic programming techniques ease the development of probabilistic graphical models (bayesian networks) and their use for prediction of student behaviour that can ultimately influence learning decision processes.

[Full paper @ ResearchGate]

[Full paper @ ACM Library]

Reference: Taraghi, B., Saranti, A., Legenstein, R. & Ebner, M. (2016) Bayesian modelling of student misconceptions in the one-digit multiplication with probabilistic programming. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Edingburg, United Kingdom, 25/04/16 – 29/04/16, pp. 449-453., 10.1145/2883851.2883895

[OER] Issue 11 – Practical usage of OER material in the EFL classroom #OER #publication #coer16

Issue 11We are very happy to announce issue 11 of our series on Open Educational Resources. Maria Haas did her masterthesis about „Practical usage of OER material in the EFL classroom“.


Little research with regards to Open Educational Resources (OER) usage in secondary education is available. Therefore, a two week long study was conducted in an Austrian middle school with second year learners of English. The study tried to determine how OER material could be used in an offline environment for this particular type of students. For this purpose, preparation time, available material and students’ feedback was evaluated. The findings suggest that there is a lack of available material which, alongside difficultes related to licensing, increased preparation time. Students’ feedback was overwhelmingly positive which imply that if the other challenges encountered can be overcome, OER material can be a useful additon to the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom.

[Link to free pdf at O3R Website]

[Link to Book on Amazon]

[publication] Guidelines for Leveraging University Didactics Centers to Support OER Uptake in German-Speaking Europe #OER #research #article

Our publication on „Guidelines for Leveraging University Didactics Centers to Support OER Uptake in German-Speaking Europe“ is now published as part of the Special Issue Models of Open Education in Higher Education.

Although less well established than in other parts of the world, higher education institutions in German-speaking countries have seen a marked increase in the number of open educational resource (OER) initiatives and in government-supported OER funding in recent years. OER implementation, however, brings with it a unique set of challenges in German-speaking higher education contexts, stemming in part from copyright laws and use permissions that have made sharing and reuse of educational materials less prevalent. The article discusses how instructional development centers, including university didactics centers (hochschuldidaktische Zentren) and e-learning centers, can play a key role in faculty uptake and adoption of OER, and concludes by proposing a set of OER implementation guidelines that leverage the expertise and interfacing role of these centers in German-speaking countries.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Full article @ Journal Homepage]

Citation: Ebner, M., Schön, S., & Kumar, S. (2016). Guidelines for leveraging university didactics centers to support OER uptake in German-speaking Europe. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(39). https://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.24.1856

[publication] A Field Study of a Video Supported Seamless-Learning-Setting with Elementary Learners

It’s a great honor that our publication about „A Field Study of a Video Supported Seamless-Learning-Setting with Elementary Learners“ got published in the Journal of Educational Technology & Society.


Seamless Learning shall initiate human learning processes that exceeds lesson and classroom limits. At the same time this approach fosters a self-regulated learning, by means of inspirational, open education settings. Advanced learning materials are easily accessible via mobile digital devices connected to the Internet. In this study it was explored whether and to what extent an open learning approach can be initiated by support of videos and incentives. The study took place in a real-world setting during a conventional mathematics class in an Austrian secondary school with N = 85 children of average age of 10, 6 years. For the investigation a traditional face-to-face maths-teaching environment was completely replaced by an open learning environment. In our study, the elementary learners were able to select their own learning pace and preferences via example videos. In addition to the use of an open education approach and videos, their learning was also incentivised via a reward system of “stars.” A pre-test-post-test-control-group study showed that the learning performance significantly increased. The reason was due to the combination of a novel teaching and learning setting and coupled incentives to foster the learning process.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Fößl,T., Ebner, M., Schön, S., & Holzinger, A. (2016). A Field Study of a Video Supported Seamless-Learning-Setting with Elementary Learners. Educational Technology & Society, 19 (1),321–336.

[publikation] Kreative digitale Arbeit mit Kindern in einer viertägigen offenen Werkstatt #makerdays

Das Ergebnis der Makerdays haben wir nun verschriftlicht und im Beitrag „Kreative digitale Arbeit mit Kindern in einer viertägigen offenen Werkstatt“ in der Zeitschrift medienimpulse veröffentlicht.

Die Veranstaltung „Maker Days for Kids“ war eine kreative digitale Werkstatt, die im April 2015 vier Tage lang für Kinder von 10 bis 14 Jahren geöffnet hatte. Aufbauend auf einer kurzen Einleitung zur Maker-Bewegung werden das Konzept der Veranstaltung, z. B. die Einführungsworkshops, die Rolle der Peer-TutorInnen, Challenges und Selbstlernmaterialien, sowie Erfahrungen damit vorgestellt. Durch eine detaillierte Erfassung der Anwesenheit, Teilnahme an unterschiedlichen Angeboten und der Nutzung der Infrastruktur ist es zudem möglich, Besonderheiten von SchülerInnen unterschiedlicher Schularten und von Buben und Mädchen genauer zu betrachten. Insgesamt haben 69 Kinder an der Vorbereitung bzw. bei der offenen Werkstatt teilgenommen und dabei u. a. Traumhäuser modelliert und am 3D-Drucker ausgedruckt, Games programmiert oder LED-Lampen in Acrylbildern montiert. Mehr zum Projekt: https://makerdays.wordpress.com

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Full article @ medienimpulse]

Referenz: Schön, S., Ebner, M., & Reip, I. (2016). Kreative digitale Arbeit mit Kindern in einer viertägigen offenen Werkstatt. Medienimpulse [Elektronische Ressource], 2016(1).

[publication] Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education #ebook #tugraz

Our publication about „Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education“ for this year Smart Learning Excellence Conference in Dubai is now online available. The slides have been already published here.

The e-book market is currently in a strong upswing. This research study deals with the question which practical uses the e-book format EPUB3 offers for (higher) education. By means of a didactic content analysis, a range of interactive exercise types were developed as a result of conversations with teachers. For this purpose, a didactic and technical concept has been developed. Different kinds of exercises were prototypically implemented in an e-book. Finally, a brief overview reflects the present state of the current e-book readers. A subsequent discussion illuminates the strengths and weaknesses of the format. In summary , it can be remarked that EPUB3 is suitable for a variety of different exercises and that it is able to serve as a basic format for forthcoming digital textbooks. Furthermore the openness of EPUB3 will assist Open Learning and Teaching in a meaningful way

[Full text @ ResearchGate]

Ebner, M., Gailer, C., Khalil, M., Kopp, M., Lackner, E., & Raunig, M. (2016). Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education. Conference proceeding of the 8th e-Learning Excellence Conference, 2016. Dubai, UAE. pp. 1-14

[publication] Das digitale Übungsheft #math #research #tugraz

Für die Ausgabe 2016 (1) des Magazins L.A. Multimedia haben wir einen Beitrag verfasst wo wir kurz die innovative Softwareapplikation neo-lernhilfen beschrieben haben. Für alle Mathematiker, es lohnt sich wirklich ein Blick darauf.

Das digitale Schulbuch ist in aller Munde. Eine bloße „Eins-zu-Eins-Übersetzung“ der Schulbücher in eine digitale Version schöpft die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Welt jedoch nur unzureichend aus. Hier gilt es, innovativ zu denken: Warum nicht auch Übungsbeispiele automatisch generieren, inklusive vollständigem Lösungsweg? Warum nicht auch Kompetenz-Checks individuell für jeden Lernenden automatisch erstellen?

[Preversion @ Researchgate (.pdf)]

Zitation: Neuherz, E., Ebner, M. (2016) Das digitale Übungsheft. L.A. Multimedia 2016 (1). S. 35-38

[publication] Online-Lehre in der Weiterbildung? #tugraz #lll

Für die 10 Jahres Feier von TU Graz Life Long Learning habe ich auch einen kleinen Beitrag zur Rolle der Online-Lehre geschrieben und mir Gedanken gemacht, wie wesentliche die Digitalität vor allem auf diesem Sektor ist.

[Full Article on Researchgate]

Zitation: Ebner, M. (2015) Online-Lehre in der Weiterbildung?. Life Long Learning. Publikation anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens von TU Graz Life Long Learning. Eigenverlag. S. 32-34

[publication] MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs #imoox #mooc

Our chapter about „MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs“ in the book „Handbook of Research on Applied E-Learning in Engineering and Architecture Education“ got published.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a phenomenon of these days. Therefore it seems just a consequent step to carry out research studies how MOOCs can be integrated best in our daily life. This work aims to describe first experiences from the implementation of two MOOCs on a new developed platform. Both courses are related to engineering education: one to physics and one to mechanics. First the concept as well as the development and then also the evaluation is pointed out. It can be concluded that there is potential for educational institutions, but also barriers which must be taken into account.

[Link to full chapter]

[Link to draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Scerbakov, A., Neuböck, K. (2016) MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs. In: Handbook of Research on Applied E-Learning in Engineering and Architecture Education. Fonseca, D., Redondo, E. (Eds.). pp. 224-236. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8803-2