[publication] MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs #imoox #mooc

Our chapter about “MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs” in the book “Handbook of Research on Applied E-Learning in Engineering and Architecture Education” got published.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a phenomenon of these days. Therefore it seems just a consequent step to carry out research studies how MOOCs can be integrated best in our daily life. This work aims to describe first experiences from the implementation of two MOOCs on a new developed platform. Both courses are related to engineering education: one to physics and one to mechanics. First the concept as well as the development and then also the evaluation is pointed out. It can be concluded that there is potential for educational institutions, but also barriers which must be taken into account.

[Link to full chapter]

[Link to draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Scerbakov, A., Neuböck, K. (2016) MOOCs in Engineering Education: First Practical Experiences from two MOOCs. In: Handbook of Research on Applied E-Learning in Engineering and Architecture Education. Fonseca, D., Redondo, E. (Eds.). pp. 224-236. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8803-2

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