[presentation] E-Learning – Trend oder Notwendigkeit?

Im Rahmen einer internen Veranstaltung an der Technischen Universität Graz zum Thema „Trends in der Lehre“ halte ich heute einen Vortrag zum Thema „e-Learning – Trend oder Notwendigkeit?„.
Trends in der Lehre
Ich versuche aufzuzeigen, dass die digitale Technologie zukünftig im Lehr- und Lernbereich meiner Meinung nach unumgänglich ist bzw. was heute schon umgesetzt werden kann. Hier die entsprechenden Folien (Pocast wird noch folgen):

[publication] Digital native students? Web 2.0-Nutzung von Studierenden.

haupt_logo_ngIch habe zusammen mit Mandy Schiefner einen Beitrag für e-teaching.org zum Themenspecial Medienkompetenz verfasst. Ziel ist die von uns erhobenen Daten von StudienanfängerInnen darzulegen und zu interpretieren, um zu sehen sich derzeit bereits eine Veränderung der Medienkompetenz in Hinblick auf Web 2.0 Nutzung zeigt:

In einem Langtext gehen Martin Ebner und Mandy Schiefner der Frage nach, inwieweit Studierende „Web 2.0 –Kompetenz“ mitbringen.
In einem ersten Schritt versuchen sie diese Frage anhand der Nutzung von Social Software-Applikationen zu beantworten. Gerade im Bereich Web 2.0 spielt vor allem die interaktive bzw. die partizipative Komponente eine große Rolle. Die Nutzung stellt dabei einen allerersten Zugang zur Beantwortung der Kompetenzfrage dar. Es werden dazu Umfragedaten von der TU Graz und der Universität Zürich vorgelegt und interpretiert.

Hier gibt es die Veröffentlichung.

[publication] Can Microblogs and Weblogs change traditional scientific writing?

Die Verwendung von Microblogs und Weblogs in unserer Lehrveranstaltung und die Evaluation haben wir im Rahmen dieser Publikation auf der heurigen E-Learn Conference.

This paper describes a follow-up Web 2.0 approach to a technology enhanced master course for students of Graz University of Technology. The lecture “Social Aspects of Information Technology” has a long tradition for using new didactical scenarios as well as modern e-Learning technologies. After using a blogosphere one year ago, this year microblog channels helped to expand the traditional lecture. Students choose (on a voluntary basis) whether they want to participate in a blogging/microblogging group instead of using conventional methods called Scientific Writer/Scientific Reviewer. This study addresses the question whether this method can change the learning outcome into a more reflective one. Furthermore, peer-reviewing groups judge the quality of essays and blog contributions. In this paper we examine if microblogging can be an appropriate technology for assisting the process.
This publication comes to the conclusion that an amazing potential and a new way to work with information is opened when using microblogging. Students seem to be more engaged, reflective and critical in as much as they presented much more personal statements and opinions than years before.

Referenz: Ebner, M., Maurer, H. (2008) Can Microblogs and Weblogs change traditional scientific writing?, Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, p. 768-776, 2008

[publication] Mobile Information Access in Higher Education

Unser Beitrag bei der heurigen E-Learn Conference über den mobilen Zugang zum Lernmanagesystem ist nun hier online verfügbar.

This paper describes the implementation and integration of a m-Learning interface into the existing University-wide e-Learning System. Thereby existing content and information from the e-learning environment is automatically styled and provided in a way, which is accessible for most mobile devices. Incompatible content is filtered out. The system has been developed at the Institute of Information Systems and Computer Media (IICM) of Graz University of Technology with a special focus on the needs of engineering students. The approach integrates the possibilities of current mobile and wireless computing technology with the efficient delivery of information, content and interaction.
This paper will describe the system as well as encourage discussion, although far from m-Learning scenarios – how this kind of mobile access to information and content can be used to support students in higher education.

Referenz: Ebner, M., Scerbakov, N., Stickel, C., Maurer, H. (2008) Mobile Information Access in Higher Education, Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, p. 777-782, 2008

[publication] Why We Need Edupunk

I have published an article about the necessity of EduPunk in formal institutions in the Journal of Social Informatics.
Titel: Why We Need Edupunk (Full Article)

Jim Groom coined in his Weblog a new term called EduPunk and expressed his anger about rigid and commercial platforms. He postulated “that taking imaginative experiments of others and wrapping them up as a product that can be bought” is ignoring valuable work of lecturers. By adding three facets Stephen Downes enhanced this definition and thus helped the term to seemingly sweep the edublogosphere.
In an emerging and growing educational field using Web 2.0 applications for teaching and learning purposes the term EduPunk deserves a closer attention. Considering that learning has always been a highly social process EduPunk must be seen as valuable and important way of educating people. EduPuk helps to carry out new didactical approaches and therefore improve the future of teaching and learning.
At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) a new concept in consequence to this thoughts has been realized. The presented strategy allows combining traditional methods and e-Learning facilities as well as new Web 2.0 applications.
Objective: To present a concept for universities how the WorldWideWeb especially different Web 2.0 applications can be integrated in a daily used Learning Management System (LMS) and allow lecturers to be and become “EduPunks”.
Implementation: The existing learning management system was adapted and extended to the specific needs.
Conclusion: EduPunk as effective strategy for technology enhanced learning.

Reference: Ebner, M. (2008), Why We Need EduPunk, JOURNAL OF SOCIAL INFORMATICS, June 2008, Nr. 9, ISSN 1584-384X, p. 1-9, https://www.ris.uvt.ro