[iPad] MathePairs

iPad App MathePairs
iPad App MathePairs
Nach unserer App MatheFindIt haben wir uns gedacht, man kann das gleich auch kollaborativ gestalten, indem man die Karten auf zwei unterschiedliche Devices (also zwei Kinder / iPads) verteilt. Herausgekommen ist die App MathPairs:

Rechnen lernen und Spaß dabei haben? Und das auch noch zu zweit?
Dann ist dies die ideale App für Kinder im Volksschulalter, um Addieren und Subtrahieren zu üben.
MathePairs wird auf 2 iPads installiert. Nachdem sich beide Geräte im gleichen Netzwerk befinden oder beide Bluetooth eingeschaltet haben, kann die App gestartet, die Verbindung hergestellt und das Spiel begonnen werden!
Durch Verschieben der Schnecke kann die Kartenanzahl ausgewählt werden. Die Luftblasen starten das Spiel in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen.
Der erste Spieler deckt eine Karte auf und sagt dem anderen die Rechnung (oder das Ergebnis) und der zweite Spieler muss das Ergebnis (oder die Rechnung) dazu finden. Jedes richtige Kartenpaar wird mit einem lachenden Smiley und einem fröhlichen “Yeah”-Sound belohnt.

Viel Spaß beim Rechnen!

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[presentation] Smarthphone based Indoor Navigation

Roland Dutzler did his masterthesis about “Smartphone based Indoor Navigation”. Find here the slides of his defense:

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[iPhone] GeoWorld+

iPhone App - GeoWorld+
iPhone App – GeoWorld+
Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2013” ist nun zu allerletzt auch die App GeoWorld+ entstanden. Gegen Punkte und Zeit sollen möglichst schnell und nahe geographische Ziele auf der Weltlandkarte gefunden werden.

GeoWorld+ is the ultimate city-quiz. Playfully learn the geographical location of many cities all around the world. Whether young or old, GeoWorld+ is a challenging way of having fun.

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[presentation] Eductional Technologies for Higher Education

I did a small talk about technologies for education with a special focus on Higher Education as well as how I think the future will be. The recording is available here on YouTube:


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[publication] Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE UsingSemantic Modelling of Learner Behaviour

At this year SouthCHI conference in Maribor we published a contribution titled “Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE Using Semantic Modelling of Learner Behaviour“.

n this paper we report about the reflection of learning activities and revealing hidden information based on tracked user behaviour in our widget based PLE (Personal Learning Environment) at Graz University of Technology. Our reference data set includes information of more then 4000 active learners logs for a period of around two years. For the purpose of trend tracking and analytics collected logs have been used to model activity and usage traces with domain specific ontologies like Activity Ontology and Learning Context Ontology which have been created within the IntelLEO EU project. Generally we distinguish three different metrics: user centric, learning object (widget) centric and activity centric. We used Semantic Web query languages like SPARQL and representation formats like RDF to implement a human and machine readable web service along with a learning analytics dashboard for metrics visualization. The results o↵er a quick overview of learning habits, preferred set-ups of learning objects (widgets) and overall reflection of usages and activity dynamics in the PLE platform over time. The architecture delivers insights for intervening and recommending as closure of a learning analytics cycle with aim to optimize confidence in the PLE.

Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE Using Semantic Modelling of Learner Behaviour by Martin

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Reference: Selver, S.; Tarahi, B.; Ebner, M.; De Vocht, L.;Mannens, E. & Van De Walle, R. (2013) Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE Using SemanticModelling of Learner Behaviour. In: Human Factors in Computing and Informatis. Holzinger, A.;Ziefle, M.; Hitz, M & Debevc, M. (Ed.). Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg. p. 74-90

[iPhone] Super 1*1

iPhone App Super 1*1
iPhone App Super 1*1
Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2013” ist die App Super 1*1 entstanden. Diese App stellt einen ersten Versuch am Forschungsfeld Gamification dar, indem man einerseits das Jump & Run schaffen sollte und gleichzeitig auch 1*1-Beispiele zu lösen hat.

Play 9 exciting levels in this fun platformer game! Try to get the fastest time in each level!
Answering a simple mathematical question correctly replenishes one life, use this to your advantage!

  • 9 exciting levels from 3 different worlds
  • 6 original soundtracks
  • lots of fun!

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[iPhone] TUGwlan

iPhone App TUGwlan
iPhone App TUGwlan
Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2013” ist die App TUGWlan entstanden. Hintergrund ist, dass damit die Signalstärke des verfügbaren WLAN von Studierenden direkt an den Zentralen Informatikdienst gemeldet werden kann.

Evaluieren Sie das WLAN der TU Graz. Geben Sie direketes Feedback über die Verbindungsqualität und helfen Sie Schwachstellen aufzudecken.
Der ZID erhält ihr Feedback und dadurch tragen sie direkt zur Verbesserung der W-Lan Qualität an der Technischen Universität Graz bei.

  • Suche nach Räumen per Raumnummer oder Adresse
  • Kurze Zusammenfassung mit einer Map des gewählten Raumes
  • Senden der Bewertung direkt an den ZID

[Link zur App]

[publication] M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about “M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context – What is it about” is now online available.

Mobile devices are changing the social, educational and economic situation especially in developing countries. Based on recent scientific publications, conference reports and educational blogs meaningful trends and critical challenges with reference to Sub Saharan Africa are explored in this meta-study. Since mobile phones are increasingly affordable and accessible this has become one of the most important topics concerning future education in Sub Saharan Africa. They are seen as key technology for bringing educational opportunities to even the most marginalized populations. The development of and the needs for education in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) differs arbitrarily from other parts of the world. M-learning is one of the most emerging fields. This publication articulates and summarizes the wider issues raised by using mobile phones to deliver and enhance learning for dispersed population in Africa, Finally the key issues for further developments are pointed out to address the future needs for educational strategies.

M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about by Martin

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Reference: Grimus, M. & Ebner, M. (2013). M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 2028-2033). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about “Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment” is now online available.

Nowadays Learning Management Systems are an integrated part of educational institutions. Teachers as well as learners profit from the so-called Web 2.0 applications in their daily learning process. Communication and collaboration between students have been enhanced using mashups of Web 2.0 technologies. Smart mobile phones and the increased availability of free wireless network access points make the integration of all these tools in our personal daily life and personal learning process much easier than before. This publication focuses on the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) that was launched at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in 2010. It illustrates how the PLE at TU Graz has been extended to move towards mobile PLE. Furthermore the learning activities of about more than 4000 learners in the last two years are revealed based on the tracked user behavior. The activities and usage traces are modeled using domain specific semantic ontologies. The models are used as the input for our Analytics Dashboard to visualize statistics and get a quick overview of learning habits and overall reflection usages and activity dynamics in the PLE.

Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment by Martin

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Reference:Taraghi, B., Softic, S., Ebner, M. & De Vocht, L. (2013). Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 2466-2475). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[masterthesis] Relevant Information and Information Visualization for Lecturers in Web-Based Audience Response Systems

Karin did her masterthesis about Realfeedback and made a worthful contribution to the visualisation possibilities for ARS-Systems. Find here her presentation of the masterthesis:

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