[publication] A Research Agenda to Deploy Technology Enhanced Learning with Augmented Reality in Industry #AugmentedREality #VirtualReality #tugraz

We did a short article about “A Research Agenda to Deploy Technology Enhanced Learning with Augmented Reality in Industry” for this year “Mensch und Computer 2019”.


To apply Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) with Augmented Reality (AR) in industry, a suitable methodology is necessary. This work focuses on how to deploy and evaluate AR learning scenarios in industrial environments. The methodology evolved within the two EU projects FACTS4WORKERS and iDEV40 and has been improved iteratively. The first step is to investigate the use case at the industry partner. Then the appropriate concept is defined. The next step is to develop a first prototype. This prototype is then improved during several iterations according to the feedback of the industry partner. When the prototype reaches an appropriate Technology Readiness Level (TRL), a final evaluation is carried out to verify the software artifact against the gathered requirements.

[Full article]

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Spitzer, M., Gsellmann, I., Hebenstreit, M., Damalas, S. & Ebner, M., (2019). A Research Agenda to Deploy Technology Enhanced Learning with Augmented Reality in Industry. Mensch und Computer 2019 – Workshopband. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..

[whitepaper] Bologna Digital 2020 #digitalEurope #HFD

Thanks to “Hochschulforum Digitalisierung” for the opportunity to participate in two expert workshops and discussing main issues of the white paper about “Bologna Digital 2020 – White Paper on Digitalisation in the European Higher Education Area“:

Since December 2018, a large group of European experts have discussed priorities for digitalisation in higher education, exchanged innovative ideas and collected many impressive examples of good practice. Two “Bologna Digital 2020” workshops in Berlin and Vienna gathered university representatives, European higher education stakeholders, governmental staff from different member states and other experts active in European higher education.

The whitepaper has been published now:

Europe needs new visions for contemporary higher education in the digital age. Digitalisation is not only an additional challenge, but also an effective means to address key challenges for higher education in the 21st century. The White Paper Bologna Digital 2020 on Digitalisation in the European Higher Education Are (EHEA) highlights opportunities and challenges as well as examples of good practice.

[Download the white paper directly]

[Homepage of the white paper]

[workshop] Making with Kids to Foster STEAM Education #edil19 #edmedia

I am happy that I can announce a workshop on “Making with Kids to Foster STEAM Education” at this year EdMedia + Innovate Learning conference in Amsterdam.


Some of Europe’s leading experts on making with children will share their experiences and different approaches within this joint workshop. The workshop will include presentations about teacher education within makerspaces at Graz University of Technologies (AT) as well as a short introduction about the first Maker Days for Kids in August 2018 for children aged 10-14 years. Participants will work with a set of tools and smaller maker projects. For example they can work with an BBC:MicroBit or an Ozobot for educational purposes. The examples shown were especially prepared for an open learning setting within a huge maker space environment. Interactive discussions will be the base to develop own future implementations.

So we would love to welcome you there. Here you can find all details about the workshop [Link to conference website]

Workshop zu Open Educational Resources #OER #TUGraz

Der heutige Workshop an der Universität Passau steht ganz im Zeichen von meinem mir wichtigstem Anliegen – Open Educational Resources. Hier gibt es den Foliensatz dazu:

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Hinweis für Nicht-TeilnehmerInnen: Es handelt sich um einen Ganztages-Workshop.

[workshop] Learning Management Systeme und Open Educational Resources #LMS #OER #tugraz

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich morgen das Modul “Learning Managment System und Open Educational Resources” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt.

VORMITTAG: Learning Management Systeme

  • “LMS”: Learning Management Systeme – ohne geht’s auch nicht beschäftigt sich mit Learning Management Systemen. Sowohl technische und didaktische Aspekte kommen zur Sprache und auch wie man solche Systeme in Unternehmen/Bildungsinstitutionen einführt.

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NACHMITTAG: Open Educational Resources

  • “OER”: Eine Übersicht zu dem Thema inklusive Übungen.

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Als weiterführende Literatur wird das Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien empfohlen mit den entsprechenden Kapiteln.
Zur Info für Nicht-Teilnehmer/innen: Es handelt sich um einen ganztägigen Workshop.

[publication] Videos für die Erwachsenenbildung – Kreativität ist gefragt! #video #tugraz #TEL

Lernvideos verändern nicht nur Hochschulen und Universitäten – sondern auch die Erwachsenenbildung im Allgemeinen. Mit Sandra Schön habe ich dazu einen kurzen Beitrag für das aktuelle Magazin des östererreichischen „bundesinstituts für erwachsenenbildung“ (bifeb) geschrieben.

Ankündigung: Sandra Schön und ich leiten am 10 bis 11. Dezember im bifeb einen Workshop zur Lernvideo-Produktion von Einsteiger_innen: https://www.bifeb.at/programm/termin/calendar/2018/12/10/event/tx_cal_phpicalendar/lernvideo_produktion_fuer_einsteiger_innen/

[workhop, publication] Learning dashboard for supporting students: from first-year engineering to MOOC students #stela #learninganalytics

Our workshop at this year SEFI-conference in Copenhagen about “Learning dashboard for supporting students: from first-year engineering to MOOC students” has been published in the conference proceeding.

By applying learning analytics on indicators that are predictive for a successful transition and online course completion, students can be provided with feedback on in order to improve their self-regulation, hereby providing support during the first-year and in online courses.

[Full conference proceeding]

[Workshop description @ ResearchGate]

Reference: De Laet, T., Broos, T., van Staalduinen, J.P, Ebner, M. (2018) Learning dashboard for supporting students: from first-year engineering to MOOC students. Proceeding of 46th SEFI Conference 17-21 September 2018. pp. 1454-1456. Copenhagen, Denmark

[workshop] Emerging technologies and emerging trends in education #tugraz #reserach

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich heuer eine neues Modul rund um “Emerging Technologies and Trends” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt.

VORMITTAG: EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES – from social to mobile and seamless learning

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NACHMITTAG: EMERGING TRENDS – Learning Analytics, Maker Education & Lernen mit Videos

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Als weiterführende Literatur wird das Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien empfohlen mit den entsprechenden Kapiteln, sowie das Kapitel “Mobile Seamless Learning – Die nahtlose Integration mobiler Geräte beim Lernen und im Unterricht“.
Zur Info für Nicht-Teilnehmer/innen: Es handelt sich um einen ganztägigen Workshop.

[presentation, workshop] Open-Science-Training mit Open Educational Resources #OAT18 #OER #tugraz

Im Rahmen der heurigen Open-Access-Tagen in Graz bin ich gebeten worden im Workshop “Open Training Workshop” auch etwas zu Open Educational Resources zu sagen. Hier findet man meine Slides dazu:

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[workshop] Making With Kids in Europe – To Foster Digital Literacy, to Make a Better World, and to Build a New Entrepreneurship Education #making #edmedia #InnovateLearning

At this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam we start with a workshop on “Making With Kids in Europe – To Foster Digital Literacy, to Make a Better World, and to Build a New Entrepreneurship Education” where we like to introduce to our activities.


Some of Europe’s leading experts on making with children will share their experiences and different approaches within this joint workshop The workshop will include presentations about teacher education within makerspaces at the University of Technologies Graz (AT), about inspiring social innovation and educational projects at the Waag Society (NL) and about the European initiative DOIT, which sees making as a good base for an early entrepreneurship education. Participants will work with a set of tools and smaller maker projects. For example, they can program educational games in Scratch, build a dough piano (which will do music!) with a MaKeyMaKey set, or sew some “smart gloves”. Interactive discussions will be the base to develop own future implementations.

Find here the slides and workshop hand-outs at our partner’s website DoIT.