[publication] The ABC-eBook System: From Content Management Application to Mash-up Landscape

Now our last publication at ED-Media 2008 Conference “The ABC-eBook System: From Content Management Application to Mash-up Landscape” is online available.

This paper presents a complete new application for creating content for teaching and learning purposes at universities in the meaning of eLearning2.0, the ABC-Manager. The paper focuses on the advantages of the tool as well as its didactical background in comparison to other common CMSs. The current use of the ABC-Manager as an integrated part of the e-Learning strategy of Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) especially in the face of its online version (eBook of the TU Graz TeachCenter) is discussed. Furthermore an adequate scenario for the use of the ABC-eBook System embedded in a mashup environment following the principles of Web2.0 is recommended.


Huber, T.; Nagler, W.; Ebner, M. (2008) The ABC-eBook System: From Content Management Application to Mash-up Landscape; Proceeding of the 20th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-Media), 2008, p.6015-6022

Here you will find the .pdf, slides and podcast have been already published.

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