[picture] e-Learning concept for universities

Aufgrund großer Nachfrage auf der gestrigen Konferenz, stelle ich das Bild meines Models “e-Learning concept for universities” online zur Verfügung und schreibe auch noch in englischer Sprache eine kurze Erklärung dazu:

Nowadays Universitites have the problem that a high amount of Web 2.0 Applications are available and of course they can be used for learning and teaching purposes, but this tools cannot be used within learning environments. e-Learning 2.0 is the buzzword to describe the use of these possibilites within a didactical setting.
However on the one side universitites should provide such features in a structured way, but can not support every tool. Graz University of Technology is following a maybe new way: Beside the learning managment system also a blogosphere was installed. Both platforms are using via different APIs, Widgets etc. Web 2.0 Applications as for example YouTube.
The main idea is that learning management systems are providing well prepared, structured content. The blogosphere helps to share, to collect all stuff personally and works independently of courses.”

So hier das Bild:

University e-Learning Concept

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