[bachelor] Implementing the Auphonic Web Application Programming Interface

Andre did his bachelor thesis about the implementation of the Auphonic API to allow different third-party applications access to the genius software Auphonic.
Here is the written part of his work:

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[publication] Mobile Learning as a chance to enhance education in developing countries – on the example of Ghana

Our contribution to the mlearn 2012 conference in Helsinki, Finland is now online available. Margarete presented their her PhD-Work about the issue “mLearning in Sub Sahara Africa”.

Education has become one of the biggest public enterprises in Ghana, taking about 11 percent of the GDP, enrolling about a quarter of the population in schools and other educational services (EDU 2011). The need for content, the demands of young people, requesting material for self-conducted learning, the lack of teachers, the small proportion of trained teachers and the lack of equipment in schools in rural areas are a huge challenge. The advancement of technology and high mobile penetration rates in developing countries has broadened the horizon of education. One possibility to overcome the problems is the application of the concept of mobile learning (called m-Learning). At first, it is required to describe the current situation in Ghana; this includes the identification of stakeholders as well as corresponding and influencing factors, which have to be taken in consideration when planning a holistic m-Learning-model for Ghana. M-Learning implies inherently a chance in the didactical approach. In the next step, together with a group of teachers in Ghana, research will be done, aiming at the implementation of a sustainable m-Learning concept for secondary education. Integrating teachers in the first phase is a necessity, since it supports the development of a pedagogical concept, which is necessary for a change in pedagogical practice to integrate m-Learning in daily practice.

Mobile Learning as a chance to enhance education in developing countries – on the example of Ghana by Martin

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Reference: Grimus, M.; Ebner, M.; Holzinger, A. (2013) Mobile Learning as a chance to enhance education in developing countries – on the example of Ghana; mLearn 2012 Conference Proceedings; Specht, M., Sharples, M., Multisilta, J. (Ed.), Helsinki, Finland, p. 340-345, ISSN 1613-073, Volume 955, https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-955/

[bachelorthesis] Building the Auphonic Mobile Webapplication

Christoph did his bachelor thesis about programming a web application for the upcoming company auphonic. Just visit their website if you are interested in audio-postprocessing and of course use also his fabolous web application on your smartphone. Here you can read his thesis:

Building the Auphonic Mobile Web Application

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[iPad] Open Journal System

Bevor ich mich in die Weihnachtsfeiertage und eine zweiwöchige Pause verabschiede, freut es mich, dass ich quasi als Weihnachtsgeschenk ankündigen kann, dass die iPad-App für das Open-Journal-System nun verfügbar ist. Im Rahmen einer Projektarbeit ist diese App entstanden und wenn das entsprechende Plugin am System installiert ist, kann man sehr schön sämtliche Artikel am iPad lesen – vorinstalliert haben wir bereits das Lehrbuch L3T, die Zeitschrift Bildungsforschung und die Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung.

With the OJS Application, a user can comfortably access his most favorite OJS journals and navigate to the correspondent articles. To find these easily, abstracts and other information of the articles, like authors, are shown very clearly. The preferred files, like PDFs or images, can then be chosen and they get directly displayed in the App.
The user can also create notes easily at wanted positions in the article and move them via the well known Drag & Drop functionality.
Furthermore, articles which are very interesting, can be stored as favorites.

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Nun bleibt mir nur noch über, allen Leserinnen und Lesern meines Weblogs eine gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest 2012 zu wünschen und viel Gesundheit im Jahr 2013.

[Workshop] Social Media Learning and Mobile Learning

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich auch heuer das Modul “Sociale Media Learning & Mobile Learning” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt.



Als weiterführende Literatur wird das Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien empfohlen mit den entsprechenden Kapiteln, sowie das Kapitel “Web 2.0 als Basis für CSCL-Umgebungen“.
Zur Info für Nicht-Teilnehmer/innen: Es handelt sich um einen ganztägigen Workshop.

[workshop] Mobile Learning

Im Rahmen des Projektes MEDEAnet darf ich heute einen Workshop rund um das Thema “Mobile Learning” halten.
Hier der Ablauf des Workshops:

Vormittag: Inputphase “When Learning Goes Mobile

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Nachmittag: Gruppenarbeit “Überlegungen zu einer eigenen Lehrveranstaltung mit Mobile-Learning-Elementen

  • Beschreiben Sie Ihre Idee, gewinnen Sie MitstreiterInnen und erarbeiten Sie Lernziele, Zielgruppe und Rahmenbedingungen
  • Beschreiben Sie den genauen Einsatz, welche Vorteile bzw. Mehrwerte bietet der Einsatz mobiler Endgeräte und welchen Herausforderungen müssen Sie sich stellen?
  • Präsentieren Sie die Ergebnisse Ihrer Gruppe

Ich werde versuchen die Ergebnisse auch gut zu dokumentieren und dann auch zu veröffentlichen. Weiters freue ich mich auch über Rückmeldung zum Workshopdesign.

[presentation] A Development of a Taxonomy for the Use of Tablets in Schools

Sabrina did her masterthesis about “iPads in the classroom“. Her great thesis is available in the Amazon-Store. Furthermore this are the slides of her master defense. Thanks for your great job:

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[iphone] TU-News

Eine weitere App der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien” ist nun im App Store erhältlich: TU-News.

With TU News for iOS you can finally browse through and read your favorite newsgroups on the TU Graz Newsserver.
Usenet is one of the oldest discussion systems available on the Internet. As a result, it may sometimes be confusing. TU News for iOS makes Usenet simple and fast… as it should be.

Incredible Features:

  • Subscribe to Newsgroups with easy search
  • Unsubscribe with one swipe
  • Post and reply functionality
  • Automatic asynchron loading (browse through posts, while new ones are still loading)
  • Pull to refresh
  • Threading of replies
  • Send emails to individuals with one click
  • Add your own personal signature
  • Different colors for different quoting levels
  • and many more..

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