Eine weitere App der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien” ist nun im App Store erhältlich: TU-News.
With TU News for iOS you can finally browse through and read your favorite newsgroups on the TU Graz Newsserver.
Usenet is one of the oldest discussion systems available on the Internet. As a result, it may sometimes be confusing. TU News for iOS makes Usenet simple and fast… as it should be.Incredible Features:
- Subscribe to Newsgroups with easy search
- Unsubscribe with one swipe
- Post and reply functionality
- Automatic asynchron loading (browse through posts, while new ones are still loading)
- Pull to refresh
- Threading of replies
- Send emails to individuals with one click
- Add your own personal signature
- Different colors for different quoting levels
- and many more..
Link zum App-Store | Weitere Apps der TU Graz