[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 11 / No. 10 #ijet #research

Issue 11(9)Issue 11(10) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Quality Assurance for Reusable Learning Objects on a Peer-To-Peer Network
  • Student Assessment System for Distance Education on Financial Management
  • Application of a Big Data Platform in the Course of Java Language Programming
  • Extraction of Relevant Terms and Learning Outcomes from Online Courses
  • A Multimedia Teaching System with Special Acoustic Effects in the Course of Aerobics
  • Integration and Application of Animation Production Simplification in a VR Virtual Reality Teaching System
  • Analysis on the Man-Machine-Environment Collaborative Teaching Method for Mining Engineering Major
  • Digital Mining Technology-Based Teaching Mode for Mining Engineering
  • A Hierarchical Teaching Mode of College Computer Basic Application Course Based on K-means and Improved PSO Algorithm
  • EXPEL Protocol Based Architecture for Cooperative E-Learning
  • A Proposed Model for Detecting Learning Styles Based on Agent Learning
  • Motivation for Using ICT and Pupils with Learning Difficulties
  • Teachers’ Informal Learning via Social Networking Technology

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants #research #twitter

Our publication about „TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants“ got published right now.


This publication introduces a tool for analysis and visualization of tweets for a particular event. Recently, many related studies have analysed and extracted information from social media such as Twitter. However, the majority of those approaches are aiming at providing specific content-based information. The objective of this research work is to provide an overview of data collection for a specific event by analysing and visualizing all collected tweets. Furthermore, this paper will focus on applying the outlined approach when using Twitter during conferences and determining what kind of information is used for some specific event.
Two Twitter events have been created for this purpose and the obtained results are presented, explained and discussed. The result of data processing represents a summary of a Twitter event and allows an overview of various information such as the most popular hashtags, users who tweet the most, the most published links, list of all used software platforms, etc. It also includes a timeline of tweets in terms of years, months, days and hours depending on duration of events. Finally, the future of Twitter and the visualization of its data is discussed

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner. M., Harmandic, S. (2016) TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants. In: Wallace, K. (Ed.). Learning Environments: Emerging Theories, Applications and Future Directions, Nova publishers, pp. 175 – 196, ISBN 978-1-63484-893-0

[imoox] Start von Entrepreneurship for Engineers #imoox

Ein weitere MOOC ist gestern an den Start gegangen: „Entrepreneurship for Engineers„. Damit bietet die Technische Universität Graz erstmals auch etwas im Bereich „unternehmerische Universität“ an mit der Idee vielen Studierenden auf ihrem Weg in die Praxis zu helfen:

Durch „Entrepreneurship for Engineers” wird eine Brücke geschlagen zwischen der universitären Ausbildung und den Anforderungen an die angehenden Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure in der Privatwirtschaft/Industrie.
Dabei wird besonderes Augenmerk auf die praktischen Anforderungen an junge Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure in der Industrie und auch die Vorbereitung auf den Berufseinstieg gelegt und folglich die komplexen und mehrdimensionalen Aufgaben an junge Führungskräfte aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen betrachtet.

Das Teaservideo hatte ich bereits ja geteilt, aber gerne nochmals:


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Man kann sich jederzeit zum Kurs anmelden, mitmachen ist ausdrücklich erwünscht 🙂

[Link zum Kurs „Entrepreneurship for Engineers„]

[imoox, gadi] Zukunft des Schulbuchs, der Bildung und dann gibt es da noch Learning Analytics #imoox #gadi16

Martin Ebner / GADI 2012Schoen SandraDer MOOC „Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie“ auf iMooX geht nun schon in die sechste Woche. Diesesmal sind die Experten Sandra Schön, Mohammad Khalil und ich selbst dran.
Wir tragen zum MOOC die Themen Schulbücher und die Bildung an sich bei Mohammad Khalil – provokativ und anregend war die Vorgabe 🙂 .
Und dann setzt Mohammad der Diskussion mit dem Thema Learning Analytics noch das Sahnehäubchen drauf.
Also unbedingt vorbei schauen und mitdiskutieren – der Einstieg in den MOOC ist ebenso jederzeit möglich.
[Link zum Kurs]

[publication] Google Glass in Face-to-face Lectures – Prototype and First Experiences #AR #research

Our paper about „Google Glass in Face-to-face Lectures – Prototype and First Experiences“ got published in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.

Graz University of Technology has a long tradition in doing technology-enhanced courses. Following the latest trends, as mentioned in the NMC Horizon Report [32], we reviewed the possibility to use a wearable technology, in our case the Google GlassTM, in courses to improve the interaction between the lecturer and the audience with a special focus on huge classes. The lack of interaction in traditional face-to-face lectures is a well-known problem with a long research history [4], [12]. New technologies in Audience Response Systems (ARS) offer new ways to improve the interaction between teacher and student by enabling to ask questions to the audience [5] to get instant feedback during a lecture. Currently many types of web-based ARSs are available on the market [15]. Our research focused on finding an ARS suitable for the visualization in the Google Glass display. Further we developed a prototype and described first practical experiences.

[Full Text @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Mühlburger, H., Ebner, M. (2016) Google Glass in Face-to-face Lectures – Prototype and First Experiences. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). 10(1). pp. 27-34

[presentation] A STEM MOOC for School Children – What Does Learning Analytics Tell us? #imoox

Our presentation about „A STEM MOOC for School Children – What Does Learning Analytics Tell us?“ at this year ICL 2015 conference is online available. We did this work to contribute to the workshop on „Learning and Assessment Analytics in STEM Education„:

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[presentation] Emerging Technologies – from m- to seamless learning #edmedia

Our fourth presentation at this year ED-Media conference in Montreal is about „Emerging Technologies – from m- to seamless learning„. Here you can find the slides:

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[presentation] Open Up Education
 – Bildungsinhalte zugänglich machen

Meine heutige Keynote in Lörrach trägt den klingenden Titel „Open Up Education
 – Bildungsinhalte zugänglich machen„. Ich habe versucht herauszuarbeiten, warum wir Bildungsinhalte öffnen sollten und wie meiner Meinung nach die Vorteile liegen. Hoffe es ist einigermaßen gelungen, über Rückmeldungen freue ich mich wie immer 🙂 .

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[iPhone] CalcMan

Bildschirmfoto 2014-06-22 um 17.37.54Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung „Mobile Applications 2014“ ist die App CalcMan entstanden. Wir haben uns an das Arcadegame Pacman orientiert mit dem Unterschied, dass man zuerst eine einfache Rechnung lösen muss um die Monster fressen zu können. Hoffe es macht Spaß 🙂 :

Das Konzept eines Retro-Spiels vereint mit Rechenaufgaben. Unser Spiel, basierend auf dem sehr bekannten PacMan erweitert dessen Funktionen um einen Rechenteil, der es Kindern ermöglicht, auf einfache und lustige Weise rechnen zu lernen.
Das Spiel läuft fast gleich wie das Original ab, mit dem einzigen Unterschied, dass auf dem Spielfeld eine Rechnung angezeigt wird, und man die richtige Lösung fressen muss. Wird die falsche Lösung gefressen, verfolgt einen ein zusätzlicher böser Geist.
Die App bietet neben drei verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden Highscores und eine gut gestaltete Oberfläche.

[Link zur App]

[publication] Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education

Our article about „Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education“ for Springer’s Prospectus Journal is now published. You will find the article right here – additionally I published a earlier „draft“ version for further discussions.

Recent statistics on the use of mobile technology proclaim that the world is becoming mobile. People use their phones to socialize, to conduct business, to search for information, and more. For the first time in history, people around the world have the potential to learn from any location at their own convenience. But first, education systems must change, to facilitate mobile access to education. As this article describes, the most important change will be training teachers, both in pre-service programmes and through professional development, to use the technology to design and deliver education and to create bridges to informal learning. The article also describes some projects around the world that are helping to prepare teachers for the mobile world, and some pilot projects using the technology. Most such research, however, is limited to short-term studies focusing on learners’ satisfaction with mobile learning. Future studies must consider its long-term benefits and its impacts on performance and retention. As mobile technologies emerge, teachers have to keep up with the changes so that they can take advantage of the power of the technology to design and deliver education.

Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education by Martin

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Reference: Ally, M., Grimus, M., Ebner, M. (2014) Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education. Prospectus. 2014. Springer Netherlands. p. 1-­17