[publication] Google Glass in Face-to-face Lectures – Prototype and First Experiences #AR #research

Our paper about “Google Glass in Face-to-face Lectures – Prototype and First Experiences” got published in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.

Graz University of Technology has a long tradition in doing technology-enhanced courses. Following the latest trends, as mentioned in the NMC Horizon Report [32], we reviewed the possibility to use a wearable technology, in our case the Google GlassTM, in courses to improve the interaction between the lecturer and the audience with a special focus on huge classes. The lack of interaction in traditional face-to-face lectures is a well-known problem with a long research history [4], [12]. New technologies in Audience Response Systems (ARS) offer new ways to improve the interaction between teacher and student by enabling to ask questions to the audience [5] to get instant feedback during a lecture. Currently many types of web-based ARSs are available on the market [15]. Our research focused on finding an ARS suitable for the visualization in the Google Glass display. Further we developed a prototype and described first practical experiences.

[Full Text @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Mühlburger, H., Ebner, M. (2016) Google Glass in Face-to-face Lectures – Prototype and First Experiences. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). 10(1). pp. 27-34

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