Our paper on „How MOOCs can be used as an instrument of scientific research“ at this year EMOOCs conference is now online available.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are an increasingly important phenomenon in the world of technology-enhanced learning. This development opens many opportunities for interdisciplinary interaction, not only for the purpose of researching MOOCs themselves, but for integrating them into various research settings. In this publication, we address the question of how MOOCs can be used as instruments in scientific research. Our suggestions are illustrated on the example of the „Dr. Internet“ project, which allowed us to gain practical experience in this area.
[Conference Proceeding @ ResearchGate]
Reference: Zimmermann, C., Kopp, M., Ebner, M. (2016) How MOOCs can be used as an instrument of scientific research. In: Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs. Khalil, M., Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Lorenz, A., Kalz. M. (Eds.). BookOnDemand, Norderstedt. pp. 393 – 400