[iPhone App] RCPEnews

Eine weitere App der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien – iPhone Development” ist ab sofort im App-Store verfügbar. Dabei werden die aktuellen Informationen von RCPE auf das iPhone gebracht:

Having one’s finger on the pulse of drug development – with the RCPE App. We make tomorrow’s drugs possible – and provide you with current information. News, jobs, press review and the most important information about our company at a glance.

Hier kann die App downgeloadet werden [Link] und alle weiteren verfügbaren Apps der TU Graz findet man hier [iTunes Link].

[iPhone App] MatheZoo

Eine weiter App der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien – iPhone Development” ist ab sofort im App-Store verfügbar. Es handelt sich um ein Mathematik-Lernspiel, welches liebevoll als Zoo umgesetzt wurde – wir freuen uns auf eure Rückmeldungen oder noch lieber Einsatzberichte 🙂 .

With MatheZoo, your kids can practice addition and subtraction using ice-cream cones and little birds. We promise, your kids will love it!

Hier kann die App downgeloadet werden [Link] und alle weiteren verfügbaren Apps der TU Graz findet man hier [iTunes Link].

[publication] The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment

Our publication at this year PLE Conference in Southampton about “The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment” is now online available. The slides have already been published here.

The learning environment of the future must be more individualised and personalised – for years this is one of the international demands in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and teaching. Since fall 2010 Graz University of Technology provides a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) based on mashup of widgets connecting various web applications. The publication aims to give a first demonstration of the way these PLE widgets can be converted to run on all common desktop Operating Systems (OS) to increase the range for individualisation of learning activities. After a short introduction we present an overview about the possibilities of the PLE-converter, discuss the working prototype and conclude with an answer to the question of an online framework for the widgets as well as desktop variants for usual operating systems.

The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment

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Reference: Taraghi, Behnam and Ebner, Martin and Altmann, Thomas (2011) The World of Widgets – An Important Step towards a Personalised Learning Environment. pp. 1-8. In: Proceedings of the The PLE Conference 2011, 12-14 July, University of Southampton. https://journal.webscience.org/650/

[publication] Lehrbuch einmal anders

Unser Artikel über L3T in der Zeitschrift Wirtschaft & Berufserziehung über “Lehrbuch einmal anders – Das frei zugängliche Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien” ist als Entwurfsversion nun online verfügbar.

Seit Februar 2011 gibt es mit dem „Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien“ ein neues und auch neuartiges Lehrbuch für Studierende und Lehrende im Bereich des technologiegestützten Lernens. Es unterscheidet sich in den Themen und der Aufbereitung der Texte von den vorhandenen Sammelwerken und Büchern des deutschsprachigen Angebots. Hinzu kommt, dass es sich nicht um ein traditionelles Lehrbuch handelt: Alle Kapitel sind kostenlos im Web zugänglich (via https://l3t.eu), auch in mobilen Varianten und durch ein weiteres zusätzliches Angebot ergänzt. Schließlich wurden auch bei der Entstehung des Lehrbuchs bekannte Pfade verlassen. In diesem Beitrag berichten die Initiatoren und Herausgeber des Lehrwerks über seine Inhalte, die Zugangsmöglichkeiten sowie seine Entstehung.

Lehrbuch einmal anders – Das frei zugängliche “Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien”

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Zitation: Ebner, Martin & Schön, Sandra (2011). Lehrbuch einmal anders. Das frei zugängliche “Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien”. In: W & B. Wirtschaft und Berufserziehung. Zeitschrift für Berufsbildung und Berufspolitik. Juli 2011, 63. Jahrgang, S. 14-19.

[publication] Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems

Our publication on “Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems” for this year HCII International 2011 is as draft version online available.

This paper describes a novel usability method called Shadow Expert Technique (SET), which was applied on the learning management system of the Graz University of Technology in two different trials, with focus on consistency and visual complexity. This is the summary of the development of this new method and the approach to generalize it as a new way to get deeper insight into interaction processes.

Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems

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Reference: Stickel, C., Ebner, M., Holzinger, A., (2011). Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems. C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Part IV, HCII 2011, LNCS 6768, pp. 642–651, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011

[publication] First steps towards an integration of a Personal Learning Environment at university level

Our publication on “First steps towards an integration of a Personal Learning Environment at university level” for this year ICT 2011 conference is now online available as draft version. The slides have been already published here.

Personalization is seen as the key approach to handle the plethora of information in today’s knowledge-based society. It is expected that personalized teaching and learning will efficiently address learner needs. The education of the future will change as a result of the influence of Web 2.0 content typified by a steadily increasing supply of data. This means that the students of tomorrow will regularly have to deal with sharing and merging content from different sources. Therefore, mashup technology will become a very important lens by which to focus on individual learning needs and enable personalized access to particular information. The following paper describes the challenges of Personal Learning Environments at higher education institutions. In the first section, the concept of Personal Learning Environments is presented, while the second section discusses the new challenges that arise for learning with the help of Personal Learning Environments. The third section describes the technical background of Personal Learning Environments and the widget standard in general. In section four, a first prototype of a personal learning environment will be presented, which is integrated into the learning culture at the Technical University of Graz. A detailed description of the available widgets for the prototype, along with a first expert evaluation, is provided. Finally, the conclusion of the article consolidates the main points of the paper and present plans for future research together with the prospective developments.

First steps towards an integrated Personal Learning Environment at the university level

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Taraghi, B., Drachsler, H., Tsang, P. (2011). First steps towards an integration of a Personal Learning Environment at university level. R. Kwan et al. (Eds.): ICT 2011, CCIS 177, pp. 22–36, 2011, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011

[presentation] First steps towards an integration of a Personal Learning Environment at university level

Our presentation for this year ICT 2011 conference on “First steps towards an integration of a Personal Learning Environment at university level” is now online available:

First steps towards an integration of a Personal Learning Environment at university level

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View more presentations from Martin Ebner

[presentation] The World of Widgets – An Important Step Towards a Personalized Learning Environment

For this year PLE-Conference we did a Presentation about “The World of Widgets – An Important Step Towards a Personalized Learning Environment for the workshop “Challenges of Designing and Evaluating Usability and User Experience for PLEs (U2X-4-PLE)“. Here are the slides:

[publication] Game Based Learning in Secondary Education: Geographical Knowledge of Austria

Our publication on “Game Based Learning in Secondary Education: Geographical Knowledge of Austria” at this year ED-Media Conference in Lisbon is now online available. The slides have been already published here.

An educational, interactive flash game, iGeo, was developed at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) with the intent to assist secondary school students with studying Geography. Objective: Our main research question was to find out whether challenging online games can motivate students to learn and achieve reach better results as a non-assisted group. Experimental Setting: The application was tested for the first time in a class with seventeen pupils at lower secondary school level. Methods: Pretest/posttest experimental control group design with questionnaires. Results: The group learning with iGeo reached significantly better results than the control group in the final examination. Additionally, it can be mentioned that learning by playing a game is more “enjoyable” for the participants. Conclusion: According to the results and the general impression of the students, Game Based Learning (GBL) has definitely a positive impact on the field of secondary education, in this case Geography.

Game Based Learning in Secondary Education: Geographical Knowledge of Austria

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Reference: Ebner, M., Böckle, M., Schön, M. (2011). Game Based Learning in Secondary Education: Geographical Knowledge of Austria. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 1510-1515). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?

Our publication on “The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?” at this year ED-Media Conference in Lisbon is now online available. The slides have been already published here.

No other social community has been that booming ever than Facebook. A query among freshmen at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) displays this strongly ongoing trend too. Compared to the freshmen-studies of the last three years we can demonstrate the way Facebook already influences the communication behavior of today ́s students. Does the use of Facebook lead to a more competent understanding and intensive practice of Web2.0 applications in general? Does Facebook pave the way for Web2.0 or absorbs it by implementing and enabling Web2.0 functionalities on the platform? And what does this mean for teaching and learning aspects so far? Using a couple of statistical analysis methods for complex investigations (hierarchical cluster analysis, the principle component analysis and the varimax rotation) we tried to answer these questions and found out that the usage of Facebook already leaves it ́s marks on the communicational behavior of students. An influence on the usage of other Web2.0 applications cannot be stated with significance so far but it seems that Facebook has a repressive factor rather than a promotive one; it serves as a substitute for them.

The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?

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Reference: Ebner, M., Nagler, W., Schön, M. (2011). The Facebook Generation – Boon or Bane for E- Learning at Universities?. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 3549-3557). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.