Das große Pressecho auf unsere MOOC-Initiative iMooX freut uns natürlich sehr und ab sofort haben wir dies auf einer Seite übersichtlich dargestellt. Weiters bieten wir für unsere Kooperationspartner Pressetexte und -kontakt an bzw. kann man auch das iMooX Logo von dort downloaden.
[publication] The Future of PLEs: How Can Higher Education Be Passed?
I was invited to make some comments to a specific chapter of the book as well as bringing in my expertise on Personal Learning Environments. Now the whole book „Responsive Open Learning Environments“ is published as Open Access.
My short comment is titled „The Future of PLEs: How Can Higher Education Be Passed?“:
Reference: Ebner, M. (2015) The Future of PLEs: How Can Higher Education Be Passed?. In: Responsive Open Learning Environments. Kroop, S.; Mikroyannidis, A.; Wolpers, M. (Ed.). Springer, Heidelberg. pp. 228-23
[publication] The Maker Movement. Implications of new digital gadgets, fabrication tools and spaces for creative learning and teaching
Our article about „The Maker Movement. Implications of new digital gadgets, fabrication tools and spaces for creative learning and teaching“ got republished in the Special Issue „Transforming Education through Innovation and Technology“ of the elearning papers.
The “Maker Movement” deals with innovative forms of production and do-it-yourself work. It is not only a way for new business models and developments, e.g. using 3D print or other new digital tools and gizmos, but also influencing education. This paper introduces several diverse terms (from FabLabs to Hackerspaces) and gives insights into background, practice and existing experiences from Maker Movement in educational settings amongst all age groups. As a conclusion, the authors present reasons why practitioners and researcher should consider its educational potential. Besides its creative and technological impacts, learning by making is an important component of problem- solving and relating educational content to the real world. Besides this, digital tools for making are not expensive, for example apps for mobile devices or rents for 3D printer (compared with desktops in 1:1 settings). The Maker Movement is seen as an inspiring and creative way to deal with our world, it is aware of ecological challenges and of course, and it is able to develop technological interest and competences casually. Finally, the authors give recommendation for reading for all who got interested in making.
Reference: Schön, Sandra; Ebner, Martin & Kurma, Swapna (2014). The Maker Movement. Implications of new digital gadgets, fabrication tools and spaces for creative learning and teaching [Republished in special issue] . In: eLearning Papers, eLearning Papers Special edition 2014 “Transforming Education through Innovation and Technology, September 2014, pp. 86-100. [.pdf]
Vorschau: Das Arbeitsheft zum Online-Kurs „Gratis Online Lernen“ #GOL14
So schaut es aus, das Arbeitsheft zum Online-Kurs „Gratis Online Lernen“ auf der Plattform iMooX. Ab 1.10. können Teilnehmer/innen des kostenfreien Online-Kurses das Heft entweder selbst ausdrucken oder ein gedrucktes Exemplar bei ausgewählten Ausgabestellen abholen oder per Freiumschlag zusenden lassen. Wo es die Hefte gibt, erfährt man ebenso ab 1.10.14 auf den Kursseiten. Und am 20.10.14 geht der 8wöchige Kurs schon los.
- Für alle, die am Kurs teilnehmen wollen: Link zur Kursanmeldeseite
- Für alle, die bereits ExpertInnen sind und die den Kurs unterstützen möchten: Weitere Informationen
Rechtzeitig zum Schulbeginn haben wir nun endlich alles umgestellt und unsere Aktivitäten im Bereich Schule und Learning Analytics gebündelt. Ab sofort steht die Seite schule.tugraz.at zur Verfügung und bündelt den Einmaleins-Trainer, den Additions- und Subtraktionstrainer, den mehrstelligen Multiplikationstrainer, sowie auch die Apps für den Lesestest und der Buchstabenpost.
Wir hoffen, dass das Angebot auch weiterhin noch ausgebaut werden kann (zumindest wird von den Studierenden im Hintergrund fleißig gearbeitet) und freuen uns natürlich auch auf Rückmeldungen 🙂 .
This is my last blogpost for the next two weeks – I will go for vacation with my family. In the meanwhile have a pleasant time and come back with me on 18th of August 🙂
[publication] Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype
Our contribution at this year ED-MEDIA conference in Tampere, Finnland about „Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype“ is now online available. The slides have alreday been published here.
In general videos have a more or less consuming character without any interaction possibilities. Due to this fact a web-based application is developed which offers different methods of communication and interaction to a certain learning-video. This should help attendees to avoid that they become tired and annoyed. The lecturer is able to use interactions to omit whether learners are able to understand the content of the video. For instance the developed web-application offers the possibility to add multiple-choice-questions at predefined positions. Furthermore there are many different kind of analysis as for example a detailed attention-profile. In this publication the implementation of a first prototype is described as well as a first field study which points out that learners? interactions and engagements increased arbitrarily.
Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype by Martin
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Reference: Wachtler, J. & Ebner, M. (2014). Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 (pp. 562-571). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Inverse Blended Learning – Why we need and how we try it!
Sandra and I prepare a MOOC about Free Learning with the Web in German language at the imoox.at platform. It will be of course an OER course (CC BY), but what is even more challenging: The target group are people with some or even less Internet know-how without any e-learning background.
Thinking about the consequences on how we may adress them (not only before, but even while the course) and not being limited on the pure online aspect, we are developing a „inverse blended learning“ scenario.
We will bring the open online course more into the „concrete“, „practical“ and „real“ surrounding and context of the learners. (And we are sure that this is not only interesting for our „very special target group“).
Our first ideas are:
- Delivering a .pdf for own print, but also printed versions (for free) in local organisations (in German speaking countries). Following the idea that people need some additional learning material we will also provide a small textbook for the course.
- Asking supporter for local meetings of learners, eventually parallel presence courses to the online course. Due to the fact that learning is a highly social process we would like to give learners the chance to be part of an online as well as offline community.
- Inviting to a central final closing event.
… and we are happy to get your feedback on this!
[presentation] Support of Video-Based Lectures with Interactions
Our third presentation at this year ED-Media Conference in Tampere, Finland is about the „Support of Video-Based Lectures with Interactions“ – find here the slides:
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[presentation] Learning Analytics – Der gläserne Lerner
Für die heurige DINI-Zukunfstwerkstatt bin ich gebeten worden über das Thema Learning Analytics zu reden. Die Folien meiner Keynote sind ab sofort online zugänglich:
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[publication] Zeig doch mal! – Tipps für die Erstellung von Lernvideos in Lege- und Zeichentechnik
In der Ausgabe 9/3 der ZfHE ist unser Beitrag „Zeig doch mal! – Tipps für die Erstellung von Lernvideos in Lege- und Zeichentechnik“ erschienen und frei zugänglich. Die Folien des Vortrags sind bereits hier zugänglich.
In populären Erklär- und Lernvideos kommen immer wieder Zeichen- und Legetechniken zum Einsatz, bei der Bilder live gezeichnet oder Papierfiguren hineingelegt und verschoben werden, um Lerninhalte zu verdeutlichen. Populär geworden ist diese Methode durch die Videoreihe von Common Craft „in Plain English“, bei der die Funktionalität unterschiedlicher sozialer Anwendungen erklärt wird. Die Autorin und der Autor schreiben in Form eines Werkstattberichtes von ihren Erfahrungen bei der Erstellung und dem Einsatz von Lernvideos in der Legetechnik und geben Empfehlungen für Nachahmer/innen.
Zitation: Schön, S., Ebner, M. (2014) Zeig doch mal! – Tipps für die Erstellung von Lernvideos in Lege- und Zeichentechnik, Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE), 9/3, S. 41-49