Im Rahmen der Serie Digitales Leben vom Radiosender Ö1 ist ein Beitrag zu Open Educational Resources entstanden. Die Interviews sind im Rahmen unserer iUNIg-Tagung im Mai geführt worden und zeigen wie wichtig es ist an Projekten wie L3T festzuhalten.
[presentation] Der Wert und die Finanzierung von offenen Bildungsressourcen
Bei der diesjährigen GeNeMe 2011 Tagung die ein Teil der Wissensgemeinschaften 2011 Veranstaltung sind, präsentieren wir auch L3T. Wir gehen dabei der Frage nach, was eigentlich offene Bildungsressourcen wert sind und wie sie langfristig bzw. auch nachhaltig finanziert werden könnten.
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[l3t] 1*1 Trainer
Ein weiteres Video für unsere L3T-Reihe: Diesesmal ein Video für einen Antrag zur Optimierung unseres 1*1 Trainer, der über einen intelligenten Algorithmus verfügt. Damit versuchen wir das Erlernen des 1*1 spielerischer und vorallem angepasster zu gestalten. Derzeit ist eine Webversion und iPhone-Version (über die ich bereits hier geschrieben habe) im Einsatz. Die Ergebenisse sind durchaus erstaunlich aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht und wir werden zu gegebener Zeit auch darüber berichten.
Vorab aber einmal der Film in der Hoffnung, dass man den Antrag auch genehmigt:
[news] iTunes U bringt Havard ins Wohnzimmer
Unter diesem Titel ist ein Artikel in der österreichischen Zeitung Standard erschienen, wofür ich vor meinem Urlaub interviewt wurde. Bin selbst ganz überrascht, dass meine Aussagen sehr gut wiedergegeben sind und der Artikel sehr lesenswert ist:
Digitales Leben: iTunes U bringt Harvard ins Wohnzimmer am 12. August 2011
[publication] EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?
Our publication for this year ICHL 2011 conference on „EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?“ is now online available. The Slides are already published here.
The term Edupunk coined by Jim Groom defines a do-it-yourself concept of using the most recent Web tools available for teaching, instead of relying only on commercial learning platforms – it is the information, the content, the knowledge which matters. Technology itself does not make education valuable per se, it is the creation of individual knowledge which is of paramount importance. However, today, so much free technology is available, which can be used as hands-on tools to enhance learning and teaching of students. However, in this article, we demonstrate that such issues can also be included in a large university wide LMS, which has been developed at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) during the last years. The development was initiated by the necessity to emphasize and implement three crucial factors for learning: communication, active participation and social interaction. We assess the potential of current Web 2.0 technologies for implementing such factors. We show that the development process was not technology driven; on the contrary, end user requirements of all end user groups engaged into university learning (students, teachers and administrators) were thoroughly investigated and mapped onto functional components of the LMS. Finally, we provide an overview of the platform functionalities with an emphasis on Web 2.0 elements and EduPunk concepts.
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Reference: Ebner, M.; Scerbakov, N.; Tsang, P. .; Holzinger, A. (2011). EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?. Pro- ceedings of International Conference on Hybrid Learning IHCL 2011. Springer Lec- ture Notes in Computer Sciences LNCS 6837. p. 224 – 238
[presentation] EduPunk and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?
Our presentation at this year International Conference on Hybrid Learning about „EduPunk and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?“ is now online available:
[publication] The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?
Our publication on „The Facebook Generation Boon or Bane for E-Learning at Universities?“ at this year ED-Media Conference in Lisbon is now online available. The slides have been already published here.
No other social community has been that booming ever than Facebook. A query among freshmen at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) displays this strongly ongoing trend too. Compared to the freshmen-studies of the last three years we can demonstrate the way Facebook already influences the communication behavior of today ́s students. Does the use of Facebook lead to a more competent understanding and intensive practice of Web2.0 applications in general? Does Facebook pave the way for Web2.0 or absorbs it by implementing and enabling Web2.0 functionalities on the platform? And what does this mean for teaching and learning aspects so far? Using a couple of statistical analysis methods for complex investigations (hierarchical cluster analysis, the principle component analysis and the varimax rotation) we tried to answer these questions and found out that the usage of Facebook already leaves it ́s marks on the communicational behavior of students. An influence on the usage of other Web2.0 applications cannot be stated with significance so far but it seems that Facebook has a repressive factor rather than a promotive one; it serves as a substitute for them.
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Reference: Ebner, M., Nagler, W., Schön, M. (2011). The Facebook Generation – Boon or Bane for E- Learning at Universities?. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 3549-3557). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
[publication] Reading and Learning with Any Device University Content for E-Books and E-Readers
Our publication on „Reading and Learning with Any Device University Content for E-Books and E-Readers“ at this year ED-Media Conference in Lisbon is now online available. The slides have been already published here.
Due to the fact that e-readers and e-books in general are booming stronger than ever their applicability for teaching and learning aspects absolutely need to be focused. Besides important didactical aspects there are a number of product related challenges that had to be taken first when integrating e-books to the university ́s workaday life. This paper presents a way to turn teaching content into e-reader readable formats. On base of different raw materials according to their formats a couple of e-book output versions (for HTML, PDF, iPad, EPUB and Mobi usage) are compiled automatically. This development of adequate learning content by the meaning of e- book generation for multiple devices is described detailed as well as its user-friendly implementation into the Learning Management System of Graz University of Technology. Current technological limitations of that process and future aspects are discussed too.
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Reference: Nagler, W., Ebner, M., Scerbakov, N. (2011). Reading and Learning with Any Device – University Content for E-Books and E-Readers. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 1775-1782). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
[tool] PuMo – Monitor your publications on YouTube, Scribd and Slideshare
Im Rahmen eines Masterprojekts an der TU Graz haben wir ein Tool entwickelt, welches es ermöglicht seine Dokumente, Videos und Präsentationen zu monitoren. Und wir hoffen es ist denkbar einfach – Account anlegen, URL eingeben und zurücklehnen – den Rest übernimmt PuMo:
Industry and economy already have detected the World Wide Web, or the web, as a PR-instrument. Both its enormous popularity as well as its outstunning dynamics can only let us guess the broad audience, which the web adresses. Views, downloads and clicks now are well-established definitions of webmonitoring, which aims at modelling reputation of diverse companies in numbers.
The interesting development of the web leads to the question, how webmonitoring can be installed in research and science. Thus, the outcome of this master project is to build the fundaments for the webmonitoring of publications. Supported publications include videos on YouTube, documents on Scribd as well as presentations on Slideshare, all well-known Web-2.0-plattforms, which more and more scientists use to publicize their project reports and documents.
Hence, aim is the construction of this online plattform, which collects metrics of publications in form of views, clicks, rating, etc., evaluates and finally visualizes these metrics.
[3t] Wolfgang Greller about Open University
Ein weiteres Interview im Rahmen des L3T-Projekts haben wir mit Wolfgang Greller gemacht. Uns interessierte vorallem was eine Open University kennzeichnet, wie diese entstanden sind und wieviele Studierende es dort gibt:
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