[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 12 / No. 11 #ijet #research

Issue 12(11) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Improving Academic Decision-Making through Course Evaluation Technology
  • The Use of Serious Games in Preschool Education
  • The Area of the Disk in Middle School Grade by GeoGebra.
  • Symbian OS for Developing Mobile Multimedia Software Platform for Gymnastics
  • Investigating the Iranian EAP Stakeholders‘ Ideas Apropos of Applying the Internet in EAP Curriculum
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of an Interactive IRF-Based English Grammar Learning System
  • An Efficient Approach for Exchanging Exam Contents in E-Learning Institutions
  • Massive Open Online Course Related Learning Style and Technology Usage Patterns of Thai Tourism Professionals
  • An Emerging Technology: Augmented Reality to Promote Learning
  • The Development of Indonesian POS Tagging System for Computer-aided Independent Language Learning
  • Machine Learning Based On Big Data Extraction of Massive Educational Knowledge
  • Cloud Computing Issues for Higher Education: Theory of Acceptance Model
  • Intervention and Diagnostic Tools in Preschool Education
  • Implementation of Group Formation Algorithms in the ELARS Recommender System

[Link to Issue 12/11]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 12 / No. 10 #ijet #research

Issue 12(10) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • A Model for e-Learning Systems Success: Systems, Determinants, and Performance
  • The Impact of Reflective Teaching Applications Supported by Edmodo on Prospective Teachers’ Self-Directed Learning Skills
  • Computer-Based Testing: Score Equivalence and Testing Administration Mode Preference in a Comparative Evaluation Study
  • Determination of Distant Learner’s Sociological Profile Based on Fuzzy Logic and Naïve Bayes Techniques
  • Multimodal Approach to Identify Learning Strategies of Visual and Verbal Learners
  • “What’s the Tab’s Apps?”: Piloting Low-Priced-Tablet-Aided Course Delivery in Teacher Education
  • Determinant Factors Affecting the Web-based Training Acceptance by Health Students, Applying UTAUT Model
  • Towards a Competence-Based Course Authoring Tool Supporting Learning Management Systems
  • Adoption of Flipped Classrooms in K-12 Education in Developing Countries: Challenges and Obstacles
  • Appropriate Thai High School Student Internet Behaviour: A Hierarchical Linear Model Analysis
  • Is Facebook a Suitable Tool in Modern World Technology for Active Learning in as Regards 21st Century Learning?
  • E-Learning through Single Hand and Two Hand Sign Language
  • Discovering Student E-Learning Preferred Navigation Paths Using Selection Page and Time Preference Algorithm
  • Generated PSM Web Model for E-learning Platform Respecting n-tiers Architecture
  • Experimentation of a Multidimensional Model for Tracking Interactions Between Learners During an Online Collaborative Work

[Link to Issue 12/10]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 12 / No. 09 #ijet #research

Issue 12(089) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • 3DBody Software Experimental Platform for Course of Sports Anatomy
  • Design of Online Vocal Music Course Based on Azure-PaaS Platform
  • Design of Multimedia Teaching Platform for Chinese Folk Art Performance Based on Virtual Reality Technology
  • Construction and Application of the BEST Teaching Mode of College English in Big Data
  • IEBOOK-based Experimental Operation Platform of Computer Basic Course
  • Integration of Logistics Simulation Technology and Logistics Learning Factory in a Two-stage Teaching Method for Logistics Management Courses
  • Construction of Multimedia Teaching Platform for Ecological Economics Course Based on Information Technology
  • Construction of Maker Multimedia Technology for the Course of Sports Marketing
  • Design of Moodle-based Podcast Teaching Platform for the Course of Aerobic Gymnastics
  • Construction of Modern Educational Technology MOOC Platform Based on Courseware Resource Storage System
  • A Virtual Reality Teaching System for Graphic Design Course
  • Gamification Teaching Reform for Higher Vocational Education in China: A case study on Layout and Management of Distribution Center
  • An Online Interactive Courseware for the Course of Textile Materials
  • Construction of Mobile Teaching Platform for the Ideological and Political Education Course Based on the Multimedia Technology
  • Innovation Ability Training Mode of Postgraduates in the Mechanical Discipline Based on Simulation Technology

[Link to Issue 12/08]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 12 / No. 04 #ijet #research

Issue 12(04) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Teaching „Information Systems Management“ with Moodle
  • „All for One and One for All“- Creating a Mobile Learning Net for ESP Students‘ Needs
  • An Investigation into the Role of Tablet Devices in Facilitating Collaborative Learning in EFL Language Course
  • Design and Practice of Surveying Experiment System based on a Virtual Platform
  • A Novel Authentication Scheme for E-assessments Based on Student Behavior over E-learning Platform
  • Debugging Tool to Learn Algorithms: A Case Study Minimal Spanning Tree
  • AICTs and Music in Generic Learning Disabilities
  • Rule-based Cognitive Modeling and Model Tracing in a Math Story Problem Tutor
  • Factors Supporting an Information Technology Management : Teachers in Primary Schools in Thailand
  • Design and Implementation of a Multimedia-based Technology Solution to Assist Children with Intellectual Disability to Learn
  • An Efficient E-Exam Scheme
  • ssessing Collaborative Problem Solving Skills in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments – The PISA Framework and Modes of Communication
  • Software Solution Improving Productivity and Quality for Big Volume Students‘ Group Assessment Process
  • Teaching Experience on Faculty Members’ Perceptions about the Attributes of Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Design of Education Application based on Shiva 3D Platform
  • Cooperative Learning Web Application for Water Care in Colombia – Manglar: Actor-Network Theory Software Solution

[Link to Issue 12/04]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 12 / No. 02 #ijet #research

Issue 12(02) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Preparing Teachers to Use New Media Visual Communications in Education
  • Mobile-assisted Language Learning Using WeChat Instant Messaging
  • Application of Multi-lens Video Editing Technology in Multi-media Interactive Teaching of „Aerobics“
  • Function Design for Inquiry-Based Learning Platform Based on a Computer Network
  • The Application of Computer Technology in Mongolian College English Teaching
  • An English Learning Method Based on Computer-assisted System
  • Study of Construction of Network English Teaching Platform Based on Multimedia
  • Augmented Reality as E-learning Tool in Primary Schools’ Education: Barriers to Teachers’ Adoption
  • Using Digital Game, Augmented Reality, and Head Mounted Displays for Immediate-Action Commander Training
  • Creative Merging and Practical Application of „History of Modern Design“ Course Online Teaching Platform Construction and Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode
  • A Development of the Blended Learning Model Using Edmodo for Maximizing Students’ Oral Proficiency and Motivation
  • Construction and Application of MOOC-based College English Micro Lesson System
  • Development of Indonesian Text-to-Audiovisual Synthesis System Using Syllable Concatenation Approach to Support Indonesian Learning
  • A New Architecture for Cross-Repository Creation and Sharing of Educational Resources
  • Learning Styles of Students as a Factor Affecting Pedagogical Activities of a University Teacher
  • Exploring a Recommendation System of Free E-learning Platforms: Functional Architecture of the System

[Link to Issue 12/01]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 11 / No. 10 #ijet #research

Issue 11(9)Issue 11(10) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Quality Assurance for Reusable Learning Objects on a Peer-To-Peer Network
  • Student Assessment System for Distance Education on Financial Management
  • Application of a Big Data Platform in the Course of Java Language Programming
  • Extraction of Relevant Terms and Learning Outcomes from Online Courses
  • A Multimedia Teaching System with Special Acoustic Effects in the Course of Aerobics
  • Integration and Application of Animation Production Simplification in a VR Virtual Reality Teaching System
  • Analysis on the Man-Machine-Environment Collaborative Teaching Method for Mining Engineering Major
  • Digital Mining Technology-Based Teaching Mode for Mining Engineering
  • A Hierarchical Teaching Mode of College Computer Basic Application Course Based on K-means and Improved PSO Algorithm
  • EXPEL Protocol Based Architecture for Cooperative E-Learning
  • A Proposed Model for Detecting Learning Styles Based on Agent Learning
  • Motivation for Using ICT and Pupils with Learning Difficulties
  • Teachers’ Informal Learning via Social Networking Technology

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me :-).

[publication] Print your Personal Book – A New Service and Revenue Model for Open Access Journals #OpenAccess #tugraz

Our publication about „Print your Personal Book – A New Service and Revenue Model for Open Access Journals“ as part of the Media Convergence Handbook got published now. Mainly we described our developled plugin to individualize printing books with the help of Open Journals Systems.


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Open access journals have developed new business processes and reve- nue models. Within our contribution we will describe and discuss a new service and revenue model for open access journals: the personal book printing service for the Open Journal System (OJS). To start with, we will give a short introduction to open access journals and their revenue models, new print-on-demand services, and the most often used open journal system. Building upon this state of the art, we will describe the technical prototype of our new “personal book printing service” for OJS and discuss our first experiences.

[Draft version at ResearchGate]

[Full article at Springer]

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S. & Alimucaj, A. (2016) Print your Personal Book – A New Service and Revenue Model for Open Access Journals. In: Media Convergence Handbook Vol. 1, pp. 171-185. Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Erschienen: “Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft mit Open Access und Open Educational Resources?” (zfhe.at)


Super! – Vorgestern erschienen ist die November-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE 8/4, November 2013) mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft mit Open Access und Open Educational Resources?“, herausgegeben von Sandra Schön (Salzburg), Lambert Heller (Hannover) und Rudolf Mumenthaler (Chur) und mir.

Die Ausgabe lässt sich hier nachlesen (klar, open access!).

Herzlichen Dank an alle; den AutorInnen, GutachterInnen, Michael Raunig von der Redaktion und natürlich meinen Mitherausgebern für das unkomplizierte, konstruktive Miteinander!

Hier das Inhaltsverzeichnis (mit einem Beitrag außerhalb des Schwerpunkts):


Editorial: Wie gestalten wir die Zukunft mit Open Access und Open Educational Resources? PDF
Martin Ebner, Sandra Schön, Lambert Heller, Rudolf Mumenthaler
Open Educational Resources in Einführungsveranstaltungen der Ingenieurmathematik PDF
Bastian Martschink
„Openness“: Weniger ist mehr? PDF
Stefan Dröschler, Gerd Kortemeyer, Peter Riegler
Edutags als Referatory und „Suchmaschine“ für Open Educational Resources PDF
Ingo Wolfgang Blees, Richard Heinen
candallo – OER-Modellvorhaben zur Produktion und Publikation barrierefreier Lernmaterialien PDF
Marcel Dux, Birgitta Kinscher, Manfred Walther
Kooperative Weiterentwicklung von offenen Bildungsinhalten im Format EPUB 3 PDF
Bruno Wenk
Akademische Lehre braucht mehr „Open Educational Practices“ für den Umgang mit „Open Educational Resources“ – ein Plädoyer PDF
Kerstin Mayrberger, Sandra Hofhues
Open Educational Resources und Open Access – neue Lernformen aus Sicht von Studierenden PDF
Christian Rietz, Sarah Franke, Simone van Koll
Innovationen in der Hochschullehre: empirische Überprüfung eines Studienprogramms zur Verbesserung von vorlesungsbegleitenden Übungsgruppen in der Mathematik PDF
Martin Haenze, Elisabeth Fischer, Stephan Schreiber, Rolf Biehler, Reinhard Hochmuth

#COER13 – von OER zu Open Science – macht mit :-)

Wir beschäftigen uns nicht nur mit Open Educational Resources, sondern auch mit dem Theme Openess generell. Da gehört z.B. auch Open Access oder Open Data hinzu. Das alles steht natürlich in unmittelbaren Zusammenhang mit Open Science.
Dazu wurde in Österreich eine Gruppe gegründet die sich diesem Thema näher widmen möchte. Auf der Homepage wird die Idee so formuliert:

Wissenschaft ist für uns:

  • unabhängig, kontrollierbar, wiederverwendbar und reproduzierbar
  • kritisch gegenüber sich selbst
  • benutzt einen systemisch Ansatz
  • bindet die Gesellschaft in den wissenschaftlichen Prozess mit ein

Open Science ermöglicht durch offen zugängliche Wissenschaft das Reproduzieren und kritische Hinterfragen der Arbeit sowie das Verwenden der Erkenntnisse für weitere Zwecke. Von der ersten Recherche bis hin zur Veröffentlichung des Papers wird dokumentiert und veröffentlicht was relevant ist, soweit praktikabel – freie Urheberrechte spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle

Jetzt freut uns besonders, dass wir alle Interessierten einladen können zum insgesamt dritten Treffen dieser Gruppe, welche am 22.4.2013 in Graz an der Technischen Universität stattfinden soll. Hier alle Details zur geplanten Veranstaltung.

[journal] International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning (INNOQUAL)

INNOQUALI am very pleased to announce that I am Editorial Board Member of the International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning. The most promising fact for me is that this journal like to establish an Open Discussion during the review process – this looks very interesting and I am happy to gather some experiences with this possibility.

The European Foundation for Quality in E Learning (EFQUEL) will is preparing the launch of the “International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning” (INNOQUAL) which will provide an international perspective on the theory and practice of innovation and quality in the field of learning at all educational levels and in all training contexts.
One core mission is to create more open dialogue on research in the area. I am pleased to invite you to join the open discussion on five selected papers, which are candidates for the inclusion into the INNOQUAL inaugural journal to be published in April 2013. No registration, no downloads, no long review forms are needed. You can simply comment on the papers directly via google docs following our easy ground rules.
All five papers are presented at the INNOQUAL website:

  • “Knowledge Exchange Across Borders – Internationalization of Open Education using Trusted Educational Networks”
  • “Transtitution – Transforming higher educational institutions through modernization of middle management”
  • “E-Learning quality assurance as a tool for open innovation in educational institutions: an Estonian case”
  • “A view on Personal Learning Environments through approaches to learning”
  • “Evaluating teaching and management innovations in an online university: the case of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya”

Get inspired, support authors who are willing to make review procedures more open, find peers who are also interested in discussing research in this area openly.