[publication] How to Foster Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education #tel #tugraz #research

Our book chapter on “How to Foster Technology-Enhanced Learning in Higher Education” got published:

In this research work, we deal with the topic of the integration of Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education. Due to the worldwide debate on digitalization in all possible sectors, educational institutions are asking how they can deal with this change and how they can prepare for the future. At Graz University of Technology, a pre-project was started to define a policy, which should help to encourage the start of new projects with a special focus to education. A participatory approach was utilized with the idea that each university member (lecturers, researchers, administrators or students) could provide input. Different measurements across the fields of education, research, administration, and transformation were carried out, summarized and consolidated to provide a final policy. The outcome of this publication will focus on the description of the whole process as well as the summary of the most interesting aspects, which were used for the final policy. Furthermore, an outlook on how the digital policy will be implemented in the following years will be provided.

[Book chapter online]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Hell, T., & Ebner, M. (2019). How to Foster Technology-Enhanced Learning in Higher Education. In A. Elçi, L. Beith, & A. Elçi (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Faculty Development for Digital Teaching and Learning (pp. 402-416). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8476-6.ch020

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