[publication] Higher Education m-Learning and e-Learning Scenarios for a Geospatial Wiki

Our publication about “Higher Education m-Learning and e-Learning Scenarios for a Geospatial Wiki” at this year E-Learn Conference is now online available. We are very proud to announce that we also won the Best Paper Award.

Several fields of higher education, like geology, architecture, or civil engineering, rely on visual information in the context of learning, a considerable part of it moreover location-based. Geotagging, a phenomenon recently spreading through he online and mobile world, offers innovative possibilities to support teachers and learners in such fields. One such approach is the composition of geotagged information with a collaborative environment – a so-called geowiki. A prototype for an educational geowiki, TUGeoWiki, has been developed at Graz University of Technology. This publications outlines possible application scenarios for TUGeoWiki in higher education, taking into account e-Learning as well as m-Learning scenarios.

Reference: Safran, C.; Ebner, M.; Garcia-Barrios, V. M.; Kappe, F. (2009) Higher Education M-Learning and E-Learning Scenarios for a Geospatial Wiki. – in: E-Learn – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education ; 2009 (2009)

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