Social Media Stream at ED-Media Conference

Last week this year ED-Media Conference took place in Lisbon, Portugal. I as member of the Steering Committee was elected beforehand to coordinate the Social Media Team. Our task was to handle the Twitter stream (#edmedia11) as well as engage people to interact online.
The result is quite amazing – 4 days of Twitter use leads to more than 3700 tweets (see here a statistic) and a lot of further online material.

Paulo colleted also all URLs of the stream in our own ED-Media Page – take a look on this, I think we did a good work.

Finally thanks a lot to my team for working with you for just 4 days (and it’s worth to follow them on Twitter): @pgsimoes, @_joanasilva_, @etutoria, @AMargaridaMaia, @GCruzMatos, @jjmpleal

Eine Antwort auf „Social Media Stream at ED-Media Conference“

  1. Vielen Dank für die Kommentare, @mebner!!! 🙂

    Really lucky to have had the opportunity to be part of this team, so I’d like to thank you for the invitation. Hope we can repeat the experience another time, another place. 🙂

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