[project] ePhilosophy with Children

Im Rahmen eines EU-Projektes von verschiedenen Schulen in 4 Staaten übernimmt die Gruppe Vernetztes Lernen die technische Leitung. In dem Projekt soll Philosophieren mit Kindern im Unterricht umgesetzt und dies von Neuen Medien unterstützt werden. Es werden dabei vor allem Weblogs zum Einsatz kommen.
Abstract des Antrages:

The growth of children is related to their environment that is strongly influenced by technological developments. Children still have a natural attitude of questioning, searching for answers and being amazed during their journey within the ‘circle of inquiry’.
Philosophy offers children the chance to explore concepts, to strengthen their own capacity to appraise and respond to alternatives, improve their thinking, to self-correct their habits of thought, feeling and action through sustained ethical inquiry.
In this project we will realize an ongoing platform for Philosophy with Children. The aim is that children from different countries develop a community by philosophizing on subjects like culture, tolerance, children rights and intercultural dialogue. Not only language skills will be developed, but also the meaning of words in their cultural context will become more clearly. The use of ICT skills is important for their verbal and written communication. By debating on the weblog, children will be able to react on someone’s opinion, reflect on their own thoughts and will learn to express their own ideas whilst respecting other people and their cultures. The created awareness will be broadened in a motivational manner.

Die Laufzeit beträgt 2 Jahre und wir sind sehr gespannt auf den Verlauf. Natürlich werde ich immer wieder berichten.

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