[workhop, publication] Learning dashboard for supporting students: from first-year engineering to MOOC students #stela #learninganalytics

Our workshop at this year SEFI-conference in Copenhagen about “Learning dashboard for supporting students: from first-year engineering to MOOC students” has been published in the conference proceeding.

By applying learning analytics on indicators that are predictive for a successful transition and online course completion, students can be provided with feedback on in order to improve their self-regulation, hereby providing support during the first-year and in online courses.

[Full conference proceeding]

[Workshop description @ ResearchGate]

Reference: De Laet, T., Broos, T., van Staalduinen, J.P, Ebner, M. (2018) Learning dashboard for supporting students: from first-year engineering to MOOC students. Proceeding of 46th SEFI Conference 17-21 September 2018. pp. 1454-1456. Copenhagen, Denmark

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