[publication] Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters #tugraz #chatbot #research #LearningAnalytic

We did an article about “Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters” for the first issue of the “International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI)“.


Chatbots are already being used successfully in many areas. This publication deals with the development and programming of a chatbot prototype to support learning processes. This Chatbot prototype is designed to help pupils in order to correct their spelling mistakes by providing correction proposals to them. Especially orthographic spelling mistake should be recognized by the chatbot and should be replaced by correction suggestions stored in test data.

[article @ journal’s homepage]

[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Arifi, J., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2019) Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters. IN: International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI). 2019(1). pp. 77-88

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