[mooc] Entrepreneurship & Technology: From Idea to Market #imoox #mci

Heute startet ein weiterer MOOC des MCI in Kooperation mit der medizinischen Universität Innsbruck zum Thema “Entrepreneurship & Technology: From Idea to Market“:

We are excited to have you in this self-paced course, which will help you to gain an overview of the most salient issues when it comes to putting a business idea into practice. The main target group of this MOOC are students, scientists and those interested in founding their own business. In this course, you will get first insights into how to start a company and develop your ideas and you will learn about intellectual property rights.
For those of you who are working in the field of medicine or medical technology, there is one additional unit in this MOOC about regulatory requirements for medical devices.

Hier gibt es das Teaser-Video zum Kurs:


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