Die erste App der heurigen Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologien – iPhone Development” ist ab sofort im App-Store verfügbar. Es ist die Suche in den Inhalten der Technischen Universität Graz und nennt sich TU Graz Search:
TU Graz Search enables you to quickly search and find the most important information at Graz University of Technology. This search app includes the following categories:
- people,
- lecture halls and rooms,
- departments and service units,
- lectures,
- exams,
- research publications,
- library catalogue,
- events,
- news (RSS feeds), and
- web-sites.
Moreover, it is possible to add people to contacts on you iOS device of to contact them diretly. This app requires a connection to the Internet.
You can access similar functionality with your web browser at https://search.tugraz.at/.
Hier kann die App downgeloadet werden [Link] und alle weiteren verfügbaren Apps der TU Graz findet man hier [iTunes Link].