[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No.14 #ijet #research

Issue 17(14) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Mapping the MOOC Research Landscape: Insights from Empirical Studies
  • A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Classes Using Traditional Methods, Problem-Based Learning, and Flipped Learning to Enhance Thai Student-Teacher Problem-Solving Skills and Academic Achievement
  • IVUL Model: An Intelligent Learning Development Process
  • Mobile Gramabot: Development of a Chatbot App for Interactive German Grammar Learning
  • Opening Knowledge Graph Model Building of Artificial Intelligence Curriculum
  • Learning Approaches Influence on College Students’ Digital Literacy: The Role of Self-Determination Theory
  • The Feasibility of Practical Vocational Education in Higher Education Institutions
  • Use of Knowledge Acquisition Surface to Monitor and Assess Students’ Success
  • The Cultivation of Teamwork Quality from the Perspective of Competitive-Complementary Relations
  • Operating Mechanism of University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and Its Contribution to Regional Economy
  • Students’ Experiences of E-learning Practices During COVID-19: A Qualitative Study
  • Qualitative Analysis Method for Training of College Students’ Entrepreneurial Resilience from the Perspective of Entrepreneurial Ecological Environment
  • Level of Digital Teaching Competence on the Verge of the Post Pandemic
  • Enhanced Virtual Reality Plant: Development and Application in Chemical Engineering Education
  • The Importance of Learning Resources for University Students During Emergency Remote Learning
  • Approach for Eliciting Learners’ Preferences in Moocs Through Collaborative Filtering
  • The Application of Blended Learning with a Community Science Technology Approach to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
  • 3D Molecular Interactive Multimedia for Building Chemistry Students’ Spatial Ability

[Link to Issue 17/14]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No.13 #ijet #research

Issue 17(13) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Natural Language Processing for Mapping Exam Questions to the Cognitive Process Dimension
  • Gamification: A Motivation Metric Based in a Markov Model
  • Influences of Online Learning Support Services on Continued Intention to Use MOOC
  • AR-Supported Mind Palace for L2 Vocabulary Recall
  • Design and Implementation of a Blended Learning System for Higher Education in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
  • Interaction Mechanism for the Entrepreneurship of College Students with Diversified Values
  • A SMAC-based Programming Learning Tool: Validating a Novel System Architecture
  • Development of a “Small Contractions” Sensor for Practical Work in Biology Using 3D Printing Technology
  • Evaluation of Comprehensive Services of an Online Learning Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence
  • Applying Learning Analytics for Designing Effective Pedagogy for Online Courses: Analysis and Recommendations
  • Trends of Augmented Reality Applications in Science Education
  • Determinants of Zoom Fatigue Among Graduate Students of Teacher Education Program
  • Training Mode and Quality View of High-Class Talents
  • Digital Teaching Competence of University Teachers: Levels and Teaching Typologies
  • Exploring the Reliability of a Cross-Cultural Model for Digital Games: A Systematic Review
  • Case Study on the Evolution of Learners’ Learning in the MOOC
  • Big Data-Based Behavior Analysis of Autonomous English Learning in Distance Education
  • Enhancing the Reasoning Performance of STEM Students in Modern Physics Courses Using Virtual Simulation in the LMS Platform

[Link to Issue 17/13]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No.12 #ijet #research

Issue 17(12) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Using Cryptocurrency to Increase Student Motivation and Agency: Thoughts from Vietnam
  • Influence of SPOC Classroom Teaching on E-Learning Satisfaction
  • A New Deep Learning Model for Face Recognition and Registration in Distance Learning
  • Digitally Nudged Learning
  • The Relationship Between College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention and the Teaching Quality of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice
  • The Role of E-learning Platforms in Supporting the Active Learning Elements for the First Three Grades
  • Gutenberg and the MOOC
  • The Cultivation of Students’ Multiple Practical Ability Under the Multimodal Blended Teaching Mode
  • A Blended System for Data-Driven Learning of English for Specific Purposes
  • The Online Teacher-Student Interaction Level in the Context of a Scenario-Based Multi-Dimensional Interaction Teaching Environment
  • Develop a New Model to Measure the Blended Learning Environments Through Students’ Cognitive Presence and Critical Thinking Skills
  • Mathematical Modelling of Teachers’ Intention to Participate in Online Training During Covid-19 Lockdown: Evidence from Emerging Economy
  • Online Learning Through LMSs: Comparative Assessment of Canvas and Moodle
  • Evaluation of the Teaching Effect in the Context of Collective Lesson Preparation
  • The Use of Augmented Reality for Teaching Kazakhstani Students Physics Lessons
  • Predicting Student Success Using Big Data and Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Web-Based Discussion in Teaching and Learning Organic Chemistry: Student’s Conception and Reflection
  • Cosine Similarity – A Computing Approach to Match Similarity Between Higher Education Programs and Job Market Demands Based on Maximum Number of Common Words
  • The Effect of Teaching Mathematics Supported by e-learning platforms on the Students’ Mathematical Skills in a College Course in Jordan

[Link to Issue 17/12]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No.11 #ijet #research

Issue 17(11) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Interactive PDF Forms to Conduct Online Examinations in University Education: Practical Experience and Lessons Learned
  • Developing Student Creative Problem-Solving Skills (CPSS) Using Online Digital Storytelling
  • The Effects of a Debate-Based Awareness Lecture on Cheating in Online Exams
  • Correlations Between Teaching and Scientific Research Ability and Professional Development of College Teachers
  • Online Live Teaching is Effective: An Empirical Study
  • The Emergence of the Emergency in Higher Education in Argentina
  • Evaluation and Measurement of Student Satisfaction with Online Learning Under Integration of Teaching Resources
  • Effectiveness of Collaborative Constructivist Strategies to Minimize Gaps in Students’ Understanding of Biological Concepts
  • A Ubiquitous Learning Model for Education and Training Processes Supported by TV Everywhere Platforms
  • Effects and the Analyzing of E-Learning on Higher Education During COVID-19 Period Time – Case Study University “Ukshin HOTI” Prizren
  • Feasibility Analysis of Visual Interaction Mode in Digital Art Design Teaching
  • The Camera-on or Camera-off, Is It a Dilemma? Sparking Engagement, Motivation, and Autonomy Through Microsoft Teams Videoconferencing
  • A Semantic Representation of Online Teaching Business Process Architecture
  • Development of the Improved Exercise Generation Metaheuristic Algorithm EGAL+ for End Users
  • Practice and Principle of Blended Learning in ESL/EFL Pedagogy: Strategies, Techniques and Challenges
  • Application of a Gamified Approach to Learning in the Treatment of Problems in Software Process Improvement: Analysis and Discussion of Results
  • Influence of Quality Development Over College Students’ Entrepreneurial Competency
  • Influence of Self-Regulated Strategy Development on the Performance of Virtual Reality-Based Teaching in Online Learning
  • Satisfaction of University Students with Teaching Performance, When Applying Virtual Teaching in the Context of COVID-19

[Link to Issue 17/11]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No.10 #ijet #research

Issue 17(10) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Intersubjectivity and Virtual Practice in Courses Teaching
  • The Synergy Mechanism of Online-Offline Mixed Teaching Based on Teacher-Student Relationship
  • IdeAM Running Quiz: A Digital Learning Game to Enhance Additive Manufacturing Opportunities Discovery
  • Visualization of Culture Using Computer Technologies
  • The Influence of Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) on Skill Transfer of Learners: The Moderating Effects of Learning Engagement
  • A Big-Data Oriented Recommendation Method in E-learning Environment
  • The Development of Digital Competence of Future Teachers in the Process of Distance Learning
  • Correlation Between Student Internet Access and Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Teaching Online Classes
  • Factors Affecting Students’ Continued Usage Intention of E-Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic: Extending Delone & Mclean IS Success Model
  • The Effect of Student and Peer Assessment Engagement on Learning Performance in Online Open Courses
  • Cultivation Path for Innovation Ability of Sci-Tech Talents in the Background of Big Data
  • Numeracy as a Part of Financial Literacy: Student Case Study in Slovakia
  • Mode and Effect Evaluation of Classroom Regulation Under Hybrid Teaching Mode in Colleges
  • Influence of Teacher-Student Interaction on Course Learning Effect in Distance Education
  • Learning Satisfaction of Learners and Curriculum Design under Different Online Teaching Platforms
  • Formative Evaluation of College Students’ Online English Learning Based on Learning Behavior Analysis
  • Learning Path Planning Algorithm Based on Career Goals and Artificial Intelligence
  • Influence of Sustained Learning on Knowledge Transferability in Distance Learning

[Link to Issue 17/10]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No.9 #ijet #research

Issue 17(9) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Analysis of Scholarly Communications of Students on Twitter
  • Assessing Usability of Learning Experience Prototype
  • Practical Perception and Quality Evaluation for Teaching of Dynamic Visual Communication Design in the Context of Digital Media
  • Social Networking Site Usage, Intensity and Online Social Capital
  • A New Research-Based Case Teaching Method for an Occupational Quality Curriculum Based on Moodle
  • Influencing Factors of Distance Learning Students’ Support Services in a Smart Education Environment
  • The Cultivation Quality Evaluation of International Talents Based on Deep Learning
  • Teaching Practices of a Warehousing Management Curriculum based on Virtual Reality Simulation Technology
  • Entangling the Interrelationship Between Demographics Profiles, Referencing Competencies and Individual Performance in the Digital Environments
  • Factors Determining Academics’ Behavioral Intention and Usage Behavior towards Online Teaching Technologies during Covid-19: An Extension of the UTAUT
  • A New Micro-Studio Mode in Vocational Skills Teaching
  • Analysis Method for Teacher-Student Interaction in Online English Courses
  • Investigating Student’s Cognitive Engagement, Motivation and Cognitive Retention in Learning Management System
  • Influence Study of Learners’ Independent Learning Ability on Learning Performance in Online Learning
  • Effects of Teaching Behaviors on the Effectiveness of Classroom Learning Time
  • Influence of Teachers’ Effective Teaching Behavior on Knowledge Transfer of Students in Online Teaching
  • The Practice of a New Maker Teaching Model in Vocational and Technical Education
  • SG-LOM as Metadata Description for Serious Games to Benefit from LMS Monitoring Features
  • Learners’ Autonomous Learning Behavior in Distance Reading Based on Big Data

[Link to Issue 17/9]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No. 8 #ijet #research

Issue 17(8) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Investigating Learners’ Experience of Autonomous Learning in E-learning Context
  • An Evaluation Model of Online Autonomous English Learning Efficiency Using an Artificial Neural Network
  • Factors Influencing the Implementation of Gamification for Learning in Information Systems Education
  • Use and Knowledge of ICTs in Inclusive Education at Educational Levels
  • MOOCs in Smart Education: Comparative Study by Applying AHP and COPRAS Method
  • A Predictive Model for Students Admission Uncertainty Using Naïve Bayes Classifier and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)
  • Improving Reading Comprehension Skills Using Multimedia Storytelling with Mind Maps for Students with Learning Disabilities in Thailand
  • Prediction and Management of the Quality of Classified Student Training Based on an Improved Neural Network
  • Influences of Learning Emotion on Learning Outcome in Online Teaching Mode
  • Situational Teaching Based Evaluation of College Students’ English Reading, Listening, and Speaking Ability
  • College Students’ Learning Decision-Making Based on Group Learning Behavior
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education Research During The Last Ten Years: A Review and Bibliometric Study
  • Identifying Students’ Learning Patterns in Online Learning Environments: A Literature Review
  • Design and Realization of Experiential Teaching Based on Knowledge Feature Transformation of Course Teaching
  • Digital Textbook and Flipped Classroom: Experimentation of the Self-Learning Method Based on the Development of Soft Skills and Disciplinary Knowledge
  • Perspectives and Challenges of Online Language Learning: Slovak University Students’ Viewpoints

[Link to Issue 17/8]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No. 7 #ijet #research

Issue 17(7) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Heuristic Strategies: Achieving Influence Motivation with Success to Design Industrial Products in Projects from the Department of Architectural Education and Design
  • The Efficacy of REV-OPOLY Augmented Reality Board Game in Higher Education
  • Training and Educational Innovation: An Evaluative Perspective of the Digital Teaching Competence
  • University Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Quizlet in Learning Vocabulary
  • Construction and Application of a Major-Specific Knowledge Graph Based on Big Data in Education
  • Application of Knowledge Chain in the Construction of Online Tourism Education Resources
  • Research on Constructing Online Learning Performance Prediction Model Combining Feature Selection and Neural Network
  • An Efficient Framework for Intelligent Learning Based on Artificial Intelligence and IoT
  • Evaluation of Learning Management Systems
  • The Evaluation of User Experience on Learning Management Systems Using UEQ
  • Effects of a New Media Data Interaction System on Teaching Efficiency in Vocational Education
  • Application of a Teaching Plan for Algorithm Subjects Using Active Methodologies: An Experimental Report
  • Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Modified-Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (GA-MPSO) for Predicting Scheduling Virtual Machines in Educational Cloud Platforms
  • Design and Realization of Experiential Teaching Based on Knowledge Feature Transformation of Course Teaching
  • Digital Textbook and Flipped Classroom: Experimentation of the Self-Learning Method Based on the Development of Soft Skills and Disciplinary Knowledge
  • Motivation of Students’ Persistency for Online Learning under Multiple Mediation Effect
  • Modelling Students’ Adoption of E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Flipped Classroom Real-World Activities for Learning Open Computing Concepts

[Link to Issue 17/7]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No. 6 #ijet #research

Issue 17(6) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Distance Learning at the University of Jordan in the Setting of Covid-19 Pandemic from the Students’ Perspectives
  • Selection of Audio Learning Resources Based on Big Data
  • Development of a Technology-Assisted Assessment for Sign Language Learning
  • Threats Posed by Social Media and Computer and Video Games from the Perspective of Sport Education
  • Remote Supervision in Times of Pandemic at the University Level Under the Systemic Approach
  • Influencing Factors of Teachers’ Sharing Behaviors of Digital Teaching Resources in Online Teaching Activities
  • Emotion Recognition of College Students’ Online Learning Engagement Based on Deep Learning
  • How Has Gamification Within Digital Platforms Affected Self-Regulated Learning Skills During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Mixed-Methods Research
  • Acceptance of E-Learning Among University Students During Covid-19 Crisis: Bangladesh Perspective
  • The Impact of Blended Learning Assisted with Self-Assessment toward Learner Autonomy and Creative Thinking Skills
  • Implementation of Emergency Management Exercises as Alternate Reality Games – Students’ Perceptions
  • The Use of Mobile Phones in Classrooms: A Systematic Review
  • Optimal Allocation of Mobile Learning Resources Based on a Complex Network
  • Validation of an Instrument to Measure Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning
  • Recommendation of Micro Teaching Video Resources Based on Topic Mining and Sentiment Analysis
  • An Experience of Using a Canvas-Based Template for Blended-Learning in a Master in Drug Discovery

[Link to Issue 17/6]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No. 5 #ijet #research

Issue 17(5) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • The Effects of Online Role-play Teaching Practice on Learners’ Availability for Resources
  • Smart Model for Classification and Orientation of Learners in a MOOC
  • Design of a Smart MOOC Trust Model: Towards a Dynamic Peer Recommendation to Foster Collaboration and Learner’s Engagement
  • A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Teaching Software Testing in Software Quality Assurance Subject during a Post-Graduate Computer Science Course
  • Roman Palace: A Videogame for Foreign-Language Vocabulary Retention
  • Synthesis of Problem-Based Interactive Digital Storytelling Learning Model Under Gamification Environment Promotes Students’ Problem-Solving Skills
  • Analysis and Prediction of the Trend Features for Teaching Development Based on Knowledge Discovery
  • Analysis on College Students’ Extracurricular Learning Interests Based on Their Book Borrowing Behaviours
  • Educational Data Mining for Student Performance Prediction: A Systematic Literature Review (2015-2021)
  • Technocreativity, Social Networks and Entrepreneurship: Diagnostics of Skills in University Students
  • Evaluation of the Information-based Teaching Design Abilities of Educators in Blended Teaching
  • ICT Self-Efficacy and ICT Interest Mediate the Gender Differences in Digital Reading: A Multilevel Serial Mediation Analysis
  • Influence of Learning Engagement on Learning Effect under a Virtual Reality (VR) Environment
  • Using Semantic Patterns in Web Search and Assessment of Professionally Oriented Texts in a Foreign Language for Training Students in Higher Education Institutions of Mineral Resource Profile
  • Generation and Optimization of Teaching Decision Generation Under a Smart Teaching Environment
  • Perceived Efficacy of Google Classroom Usage in Varied English Courses
  • Effectiveness of Augmented Reality-Based Learning Media for Engineering-Physics Teaching

[Link to Issue 17/5]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .