Issue 17(9) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).
Table of Contents:
- Analysis of Scholarly Communications of Students on Twitter
- Assessing Usability of Learning Experience Prototype
- Practical Perception and Quality Evaluation for Teaching of Dynamic Visual Communication Design in the Context of Digital Media
- Social Networking Site Usage, Intensity and Online Social Capital
- A New Research-Based Case Teaching Method for an Occupational Quality Curriculum Based on Moodle
- Influencing Factors of Distance Learning Students’ Support Services in a Smart Education Environment
- The Cultivation Quality Evaluation of International Talents Based on Deep Learning
- Teaching Practices of a Warehousing Management Curriculum based on Virtual Reality Simulation Technology
- Entangling the Interrelationship Between Demographics Profiles, Referencing Competencies and Individual Performance in the Digital Environments
- Factors Determining Academics’ Behavioral Intention and Usage Behavior towards Online Teaching Technologies during Covid-19: An Extension of the UTAUT
- A New Micro-Studio Mode in Vocational Skills Teaching
- Analysis Method for Teacher-Student Interaction in Online English Courses
- Investigating Student’s Cognitive Engagement, Motivation and Cognitive Retention in Learning Management System
- Influence Study of Learners’ Independent Learning Ability on Learning Performance in Online Learning
- Effects of Teaching Behaviors on the Effectiveness of Classroom Learning Time
- Influence of Teachers’ Effective Teaching Behavior on Knowledge Transfer of Students in Online Teaching
- The Practice of a New Maker Teaching Model in Vocational and Technical Education
- SG-LOM as Metadata Description for Serious Games to Benefit from LMS Monitoring Features
- Learners’ Autonomous Learning Behavior in Distance Reading Based on Big Data
Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .