[publication] Designing a Makerspace for Children – Let’s Do It #makereducation #research

Our contribution to the Edurobotics conference 2018 got published right now. According to the title “Designing a Makerspace for Children – Let’s Do It” we described our first Makerdays 2015.

When makerspaces are designed for children, special motivation and reasoning needs to be made. Within this article, we describe a case study: A temporary four-day open makerspace for about 40 children per day. Motivation, considerations and the development process as well as the actual realization are described and discussed. We comment on how such a space for children and adolescents should be arranged for future studies. As described, considerations in terms of participation, peer tutoring and gender mainstreaming influence the design of the space, the methods used, as well as the general setting.

Abstract of the publication

[article @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schön S., Ebner M., Grandl M. (2020) Designing a Makerspace for Children – Let’s Do It. In: Moro M., Alimisis D., Iocchi L. (eds) Educational Robotics in the Context of the Mak-er Movement. Edurobotics 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 946., pp. 3-15 Springer, Cham

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