[imoox] Making Young Social Innovators #mooc #tugraz #imoox

Maker MOOCToday another MOOC is starting on the platform iMooX.at named “Making Young Social Innovators“.

Course Content:

“Making Young Social Innovators”: New ways of training young learners in creativity, social innovation and entrepreneurial mindset in makerspaces

  • How can young learners work together and find creative solutions to societal problems?
  • How can YOU facilitate an engaging, meaningful and practice-oriented creativity workshop in a makerspace?
  • How can YOU encourage a socially entrepreneurial and innovative way of thinking among your students?

In this online course you will learn how to train young learners to develop a creative and innovative way of thinking to solve social problems. You will benefit from practical and effective methods developed from European innovation, maker pedagogy and creativity experts from experienced FabLabs and universities. They all worked together developing the DOIT-learning programme, workshop designs and innovation tools for young learners in the European project DOIT: https://www.doit-europe.net.

This course is specifically customized for teachers working with students in primary and

description iMooX.at

You can subscribe to this course for free right here [subscription page for the course]

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