[publication] Get Granular on Twitter – Tweets from a Conference and their Limited Usefulness for Non-Participants

Our publication at this year World Computer Congress about “Get Granular on Twitter – Tweets from a Conference and their Limited Usefulness for Non-Participants” is now online as draft version available.

The use of microblogging applications (especially Twitter) becomes common in different settings. Nowadays, active conference participants post messages on microblogging platforms to exchange information fast and in real- time. Recent research work addressed quantitative analyses in terms of number of tweets or active Twitter user in a specific time period. In this publication we look at the content of the contributions. It can be shown that only a few posts are of interest for non-participants of the corresponding event and that a meaningful usage of a microblogging application needs carefulness.

Reference: Ebner, M., Mühlburger, H., Schön (aka Schaffert), S., Schiefner, M., Reinhardt, W., Wheeler, S. (2010) Get Granular on Twitter – Tweets from a Conference and their Limited Usefulness for Non-Participants, N. Reynolds and M. Turcsányi-Szabó (Eds.), KCKS 2010, IFIP AICT 324, pp. 102–113

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